
Total 1551

[NEWS][Scholarship]PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 107

PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the Doctoral Candidate Advancement Scholarship has been newly established. Please review the details thoroughly and submit your application within the designated deadline.   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications 1) Full-time completed research students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs 2) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system    3. Application Process 1) A discussion with and approval from your supervising professor is required. 2) Submit the required documents to the administrative office or via email.     - Submit to Room 103, KUBS Main Building /     - The signature of the recommending professor on the application form must be provided by the professor you will collaborate with, not your academic advisor.   4. Required Documents 1) Scholarship Application Form 2) Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status (4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서)     - Submit in the first week of the semester     - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   5. Amount: KRW 400,000 per month for 6 months   6. Maximum Scholarship Period ★★ 1) PhD: Up to 6 semesters 2) Integrated MS/PhD: Up to 8 semesters * The number of scholarship period includes the number of TA/RA you previously applied for when you are a completed research student. (Not included the number of TA/RA you applied for when you were an enrolled student)   ex) If a PhD student applied for TA/RA during 3 semesters before, he/she can apply for PhD Candidates Scholarship only 3 semesters more.   7. Inquiries: 02-3290-1365 /  

[NEWS][Scholarship]Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships

2024.12.17 Views 106

Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the regulations for scholarships for the PhD program (including the integrated MS/PhD program) have been revised. Please thoroughly review the changes and apply for the scholarship within the specified period. (No changes for the MS program.)   Key Changes Type As-Is To-Be Link for application scholarship RA/TA Scholarship [Eligibility] - Both enrolled and completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs could apply - Only enrolled students from the MS program [Amount] - Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee - Completed research students: KRW 1.3 million per month as a living expense [Eligibility] - Only enrolled students across all programs [Amount] - Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee [Korea University Business School] RA/TA Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025 PhD Candidates Scholarship NA [Eligibility] - Completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs [Amount] - KRW 400,000 per month   [Korea University Business School] PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025 Research Scholarship - Previously referred to as “Living Expense Scholarship” - PhD and integrated MS/PhD students selected as RA/TA received KRW 1.3 million per month, without requiring a separate application - The name change of the previous “Living Expense Scholarship” - Available to PhD and integrated MS/PhD students upon separate application, regardless of assistantship status. Amount remains KRW 1.3 million per month [Korea University Business School] Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025 Remarks 1. Terminology - Enrolled students: Students within a duration of regular coursework - Completed research students: Students who have completed the coursework duration and have paid enrollment fee for research   2. For further details, refer to the specific announcements for each scholarship.   ★ All scholarships must be applied for individually. Scholarships available by course and academic stance Program Stance TA/RA Scholarship PhD Candidates Scholarhsip Research Scholarship PhD, Integrated MS/PhD Enrolled Students O X O Completed Research Students X O O MS Enrolled Students O X X Completed Research Students X X X  

[NEWS][Scholarship]RA/TA Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 88

Research/Teaching Assistant Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025   ※ The schedule for the selection of research and teaching assistants for the 2025 Spring Semester is provided below. Please review all the information carefully before applying. ※ All required documents can be submitted directly to the administrative office (Room 103, KUBS Main Building) or via email at ※ For more details, please refer to the attached document, ‘경영대학 대학원 조교장학금 지급 지침’ (Guidelines for the Graduate School of Business Administration TA/RA Scholarship Payment).   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications ★Please make sure that all the qualifications are met.★ 1) Full-time enrolled students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs     - Exceed-semester students or completed research students are not eligible. 2) A GPA of at least 3.5 in the previous or cumulative semester (not applicable to freshmen) 3) Completion of at least 8 credits (3 courses) in the previous and current semesters     - Freshmen can only meet the credit requirement for the current semester.     - An exception applies if a student has 8 or fewer remaining credits required for completion and provides proof of enrolling in all remaining required credits.     - An exception applies if a student submits a statement explaining the necessity of enrolling in 8 or fewer credits due to the curriculum within the area, and this is pre-approved by the area chair. 4) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system   3. Application Process ★Application will only be accepted after both the online and offline application processes are completed.★ 1) Online application: KUBS Homepage > MS/PhD > 연구/교육조교 신청     - Only available to access by korean version of website 2) Submit the printed online application form along with required documents to the administrative office or via email.     - Submit to Room 103, KUBS Main Building /     - For email submissions, combine all documents into a single PDF file. (Mobile phone pictures are NOT accepted.)   4. Required Documents ★Application will only be accepted after all the required documents listed below have been submitted.★ 1) 조교신청서 (Assistant Application Form)     - Obtain only your advisor's signature and submit the form (the administrative office will handle the sections for the department chair and dean's signatures).     - If your advisor is the department chair (Professor Dae Il Nam) or the area chair, the administrative office will handle it; simply fill in the advisor's name.     - For freshmen, if you do not yet have a designated advisor at the time of admission, fill in the name of the area chair.       (Check the area chairs for each area here:     - The advisor’s signature can be submitted as an email approval or an electronic signature. (For email approvals: Include a screenshot or printout of the email approval content along with the application form.) 2) 조교서약서 (Assistant Pledge Form) 3) 보안서약서 (Confidentiality Agreement) 4) 조교 복무협약서 (Assistant Work Agreement)     - Indicate the scholarship amount as the tuition fee (100% of the tuition for each department). 5) Academic Transcript (Not required for freshmen) 6) 4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서 (Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status)     - Submit in the first week of the semester     - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   5. Amount: 100% of tuition fee     - Assistantship scholarships are processed as reimbursements, so tuition fee must be paid during the regular tuition payment period.     - Scholarships cannot exceed 100% of the tuition fee. If a student receives other tuition-based scholarships, only the remaining difference will be covered. For example: If a student receives a 60% tuition scholarship, the assistantship scholarship will cover the remaining 40%.   6. Responsibilities 1) Research Assistant : Supporting faculty in research and class-related tasks 2) Teaching Assistant : Assisting with classes and other educational activities   7. Work Period (may be subject to change depending on the schedule and assigned responsibilities) 1) Spring Semester: March 1 – August 31 2) Fall Semester: September 1 – February 28   8. Results Announcement 1) Spring Semester: End of February 2) Fall Semester: End of August   9. Inquiries: 02-3290-1365 /  

[NEWS][Scholarship]Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 91

Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the previous Living Expense Scholarship has been restructured as the Research Scholarship. Please review the details thoroughly and submit your application within the designated deadline.   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications 1) Enrolled or completed research students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs (MS students are NOT eligible.) 2) A GPA of at least 3.5 in the previous or cumulative semester (not applicable to freshmen) 3) Completion of at least 8 credits (3 courses) in the previous and current semesters     - Freshmen can only meet the credit requirement for the current semester.     - Completed research students aren’t applicable.     - An exception applies if a student has 8 or fewer remaining credits required for completion and provides proof of enrolling in all remaining required credits.     - An exception applies if a student submits a statement explaining the necessity of enrolling in 8 or fewer credits due to the curriculum within the area, and this is pre-approved by the area chair. 4) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system   3. Maximum Scholarship Period 1) PhD program: Up to 10 semesters 2) Integrated MS/PhD program: Up to 12 semesters   4. Amount: KRW 1.3 million per month for 6 months   5. Application Process: Submit the application form along with required documents to the administrative office or via email. - Submit to Room 311, KUBS Main Building / - For email submissions, combine all documents into a single PDF file. (Mobile phone pictures are NOT accepted.)   6. Required Documents 1) Research Scholarship Application Form 2) Academic Transcript 3) Research Outcome Report (연구성과보고서) 4) Research Plan (연구계획서) 5) Screenshot of the list of conference attendance or published papers at RMS (if applicable) 6) Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status (4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서)    - Submit in the first week of the semester    - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   7. Examination for Scholarship 1) Enrolled students: GPA / Thesis Publishing / Conference Presentation / Research Plan / Etc (Sincerity, Financial Circumstance, etc.)     - Freshmen students will be considered their admission score instead of GPA. 2) Completed Research students: Comprehensive Exam / Thesis Publishing / Conference Presentation / Research Plan / Etc (Sincerity, Financial circumstance, etc)     - Students who haven’t taken comprehensive examination will be considered their GPA instead of comprehensive examination score.   8. Results Announcement 1) Spring Semester: End of February 2) Fall Semester: End of August   9. Remarks 1) The number of payments for the Research Scholarship includes previous payments received under the Living Expense Scholarship.     - Example: If a PhD student already received the Living Expense Scholarship 7 times in the past, they can receive the Research Scholarship for an additional 3 times. 2) Students may be selected as participants in the BK21 Business School Education Research Group through the scholarship evaluation process.   10. Inquiries 1) 02-3290-1365 / 2) [BK21] 02-3290-5361 /  

Notice on Deadline Extension of Degree Dissertation Submission - 2025 Spring Semester 첨부파일

2024.12.23 Views 152

  Notice on Deadline Extension of Degree Dissertation Submission - 2025 Spring Semester     1. Application Requirements:      1) Extension of dissetation submission deadline (special case): This applies to individuals who have completed their MS/PhD coursework but missed the deadline for dissertation submission due to unavoidable circumstances. They should have passed the term to submit within the specified timeframe (6 years for MS, 10 years for PhD, and 12 years for integrated MS/PhD program), resulting in a permanent 'coursework completed(영구수료)’ status.       2) Reexamination (6 months): If the dissertation is rejected during the last semester of the deadline for submission, or if the academic advisor requests correction or supplementation, an extension of 6 months can be applied for.  *Applications falling under the above-mentioned cases must be approved by the Graduate School Committee.     2. Required Documents:  1) Application for extension of deadline for dissertation submission:  - Extension of deadline application form (attachment no. 2)  - Statement from the academic advisor (attachment no. 3)   - Evidence (attach at least 10 pages of dissertation content)  - Minutes of the department committee meeting (to be processed by the administration office)  2) Application for re-examination:  - Re-examination application form (attachment no. 2)  - Statement from the academic advisor (attachment no. 3)   - Minutes of the department committee meeting (to be processed by the administration office)     3. Application Deadline: 2nd December(Mon) ~ 23th December(Mon) 16:00  **Strict adherence to the deadline is required.**  * For springl semester: from the beginning of June until mid-June, Fall semester: from the beginning of December until mid-December      4. Submission Location: Administration office of MS/PhD Programs (Room #103, KUBS Main Building)     5. Review period:   Applications received in December will be reviewed during the summer break in January and will be applied to the Spring semeseter of 2025.     6. Note (for the students applying for an extension of the deadline for dissertation submission only)  1) Students approved by the Graduate School Committee must pass the qualification exam for dissertation submission. Even if they have already passed the qualifying examination, they must retake the exam to submit their dissertation.  - Those who have already passed the foreign language exam during their enrollment period will be exempted from submitting the exam result again.   2) Students approved by the Graduate School Committee must pay a portion of the tuition (12% of the total tuition) every semester to take the qualification exam and submit their dissertations.
(Reentrance fee is additionally required in the first semester of returning.)  3) Application and approval for an extension of the deadline for disseration submission will only be allowed once. Students must submit and pass their dissertations within two semesters.  4) If a student’s academic advisor, who used to advise them during their enrollment, has retired, they must be assigned to a facult membery who is currently in office.     ※ For enquiries, please contact Administration Office of MS/PhD Programs by email( 

[Scholarship]Notice on Foreign Student Scholarship Application for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.19 Views 119

Notice on Foreign Student Scholarship Application for spring semester of 2025   1. Eligibility - Foreign graduate school students who will register for their regular semester in the Spring semester of 2025.   * Students who will register for their additional semester for credit earning, research semester or who will supposed to have a leave of absence as of 2025 spring semester are not eligible.    * GKS scholars and joint/dual degree students are not eligible. - All requirements(please refer to the ‘2. Requirements’) for application should be met. - Students should apply for the scholarship every semester   2. Requirements 1) Global Leadership Scholarship   - GPA for fall semester of 2024 is 4.0/4.5 or above   - Take Compulsory Education for Foreign Students 2) Humanities and Social Science   - GPA for fall semester of 2024 is 3.5/4.5 or above   - Take Compulsory Education for Foreign Students   3. Scholarship 1) Global Leadership Scholarship: Tuition 100% + Living Scholarship 2,000,000 won 2) Humanities and Social Science: Tuition 75%   4. Scholarship Application Procedure and Result Announcement - Application Period: 20th December (Fri) ~ 14th January (Tue) - How to Apply: Visit KUPID → Login → Registration/Scholarship → Scholarship → Register the Scholarship - Required Documents (Merge those below documents to one file and upload)   1) Application Form and Statement of ability for an applicant   2) Certificate of completion for each Compulsory Education for Foreign Students      * Please check the attatched files for how to sign up the courses and get a certificate of completion. - Date of the education needs to be attended ★ Important   ▶ Sexual Violence Prevention Education (인권과 성평등 교육)       The education needs to be attended within “the academic year” of scholarship application date is included.       e.g.) When applying for the scholarship for spring semester 2025(Dec. 2024 or Jan. 2025): The education must be attended within 2024 academic year period (Mar. 2024 ~ Feb. 2025)    ▶ Understanding Korean Laws and Regulations Education (한국법강령교육)        The education needs to be attended within “the semester” of scholarship application date is included        e.g.) When applying for the scholarship for spring semester 2025(Dec. 2024 or Jan. 2025): The education must be attended during the fall semester 2024(Sep. 2024 – Feb. 2025) - Result Announcement: Feburary, 2025 (KUPID → Scholarship →Scholarship/Student Loan Recipients)     * Global Leadership Scholarship: 2 candidates to be selected     * Humanities and Social Science Scholarship: 11 candidates to be selected   If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact to our office ( )  

[Scholarship]PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 107

PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the Doctoral Candidate Advancement Scholarship has been newly established. Please review the details thoroughly and submit your application within the designated deadline.   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications 1) Full-time completed research students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs 2) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system    3. Application Process 1) A discussion with and approval from your supervising professor is required. 2) Submit the required documents to the administrative office or via email.     - Submit to Room 103, KUBS Main Building /     - The signature of the recommending professor on the application form must be provided by the professor you will collaborate with, not your academic advisor.   4. Required Documents 1) Scholarship Application Form 2) Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status (4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서)     - Submit in the first week of the semester     - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   5. Amount: KRW 400,000 per month for 6 months   6. Maximum Scholarship Period ★★ 1) PhD: Up to 6 semesters 2) Integrated MS/PhD: Up to 8 semesters * The number of scholarship period includes the number of TA/RA you previously applied for when you are a completed research student. (Not included the number of TA/RA you applied for when you were an enrolled student)   ex) If a PhD student applied for TA/RA during 3 semesters before, he/she can apply for PhD Candidates Scholarship only 3 semesters more.   7. Inquiries: 02-3290-1365 /  

[Scholarship]Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships

2024.12.17 Views 106

Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the regulations for scholarships for the PhD program (including the integrated MS/PhD program) have been revised. Please thoroughly review the changes and apply for the scholarship within the specified period. (No changes for the MS program.)   Key Changes Type As-Is To-Be Link for application scholarship RA/TA Scholarship [Eligibility] - Both enrolled and completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs could apply - Only enrolled students from the MS program [Amount] - Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee - Completed research students: KRW 1.3 million per month as a living expense [Eligibility] - Only enrolled students across all programs [Amount] - Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee [Korea University Business School] RA/TA Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025 PhD Candidates Scholarship NA [Eligibility] - Completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs [Amount] - KRW 400,000 per month   [Korea University Business School] PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025 Research Scholarship - Previously referred to as “Living Expense Scholarship” - PhD and integrated MS/PhD students selected as RA/TA received KRW 1.3 million per month, without requiring a separate application - The name change of the previous “Living Expense Scholarship” - Available to PhD and integrated MS/PhD students upon separate application, regardless of assistantship status. Amount remains KRW 1.3 million per month [Korea University Business School] Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025 Remarks 1. Terminology - Enrolled students: Students within a duration of regular coursework - Completed research students: Students who have completed the coursework duration and have paid enrollment fee for research   2. For further details, refer to the specific announcements for each scholarship.   ★ All scholarships must be applied for individually. Scholarships available by course and academic stance Program Stance TA/RA Scholarship PhD Candidates Scholarhsip Research Scholarship PhD, Integrated MS/PhD Enrolled Students O X O Completed Research Students X O O MS Enrolled Students O X X Completed Research Students X X X  

[Scholarship]RA/TA Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 88

Research/Teaching Assistant Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025   ※ The schedule for the selection of research and teaching assistants for the 2025 Spring Semester is provided below. Please review all the information carefully before applying. ※ All required documents can be submitted directly to the administrative office (Room 103, KUBS Main Building) or via email at ※ For more details, please refer to the attached document, ‘경영대학 대학원 조교장학금 지급 지침’ (Guidelines for the Graduate School of Business Administration TA/RA Scholarship Payment).   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications ★Please make sure that all the qualifications are met.★ 1) Full-time enrolled students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs     - Exceed-semester students or completed research students are not eligible. 2) A GPA of at least 3.5 in the previous or cumulative semester (not applicable to freshmen) 3) Completion of at least 8 credits (3 courses) in the previous and current semesters     - Freshmen can only meet the credit requirement for the current semester.     - An exception applies if a student has 8 or fewer remaining credits required for completion and provides proof of enrolling in all remaining required credits.     - An exception applies if a student submits a statement explaining the necessity of enrolling in 8 or fewer credits due to the curriculum within the area, and this is pre-approved by the area chair. 4) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system   3. Application Process ★Application will only be accepted after both the online and offline application processes are completed.★ 1) Online application: KUBS Homepage > MS/PhD > 연구/교육조교 신청     - Only available to access by korean version of website 2) Submit the printed online application form along with required documents to the administrative office or via email.     - Submit to Room 103, KUBS Main Building /     - For email submissions, combine all documents into a single PDF file. (Mobile phone pictures are NOT accepted.)   4. Required Documents ★Application will only be accepted after all the required documents listed below have been submitted.★ 1) 조교신청서 (Assistant Application Form)     - Obtain only your advisor's signature and submit the form (the administrative office will handle the sections for the department chair and dean's signatures).     - If your advisor is the department chair (Professor Dae Il Nam) or the area chair, the administrative office will handle it; simply fill in the advisor's name.     - For freshmen, if you do not yet have a designated advisor at the time of admission, fill in the name of the area chair.       (Check the area chairs for each area here:     - The advisor’s signature can be submitted as an email approval or an electronic signature. (For email approvals: Include a screenshot or printout of the email approval content along with the application form.) 2) 조교서약서 (Assistant Pledge Form) 3) 보안서약서 (Confidentiality Agreement) 4) 조교 복무협약서 (Assistant Work Agreement)     - Indicate the scholarship amount as the tuition fee (100% of the tuition for each department). 5) Academic Transcript (Not required for freshmen) 6) 4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서 (Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status)     - Submit in the first week of the semester     - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   5. Amount: 100% of tuition fee     - Assistantship scholarships are processed as reimbursements, so tuition fee must be paid during the regular tuition payment period.     - Scholarships cannot exceed 100% of the tuition fee. If a student receives other tuition-based scholarships, only the remaining difference will be covered. For example: If a student receives a 60% tuition scholarship, the assistantship scholarship will cover the remaining 40%.   6. Responsibilities 1) Research Assistant : Supporting faculty in research and class-related tasks 2) Teaching Assistant : Assisting with classes and other educational activities   7. Work Period (may be subject to change depending on the schedule and assigned responsibilities) 1) Spring Semester: March 1 – August 31 2) Fall Semester: September 1 – February 28   8. Results Announcement 1) Spring Semester: End of February 2) Fall Semester: End of August   9. Inquiries: 02-3290-1365 /  

[Scholarship]Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025첨부파일

2024.12.17 Views 91

Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025   Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the previous Living Expense Scholarship has been restructured as the Research Scholarship. Please review the details thoroughly and submit your application within the designated deadline.   1. Application Period: 6th Jan (Mon) ~ 10th (Fri) KST 17:00   2. Application Qualifications 1) Enrolled or completed research students in the KUBS PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs (MS students are NOT eligible.) 2) A GPA of at least 3.5 in the previous or cumulative semester (not applicable to freshmen) 3) Completion of at least 8 credits (3 courses) in the previous and current semesters     - Freshmen can only meet the credit requirement for the current semester.     - Completed research students aren’t applicable.     - An exception applies if a student has 8 or fewer remaining credits required for completion and provides proof of enrolling in all remaining required credits.     - An exception applies if a student submits a statement explaining the necessity of enrolling in 8 or fewer credits due to the curriculum within the area, and this is pre-approved by the area chair. 4) Not enrolled in employment insurance under the national 4 major social security system   3. Maximum Scholarship Period 1) PhD program: Up to 10 semesters 2) Integrated MS/PhD program: Up to 12 semesters   4. Amount: KRW 1.3 million per month for 6 months   5. Application Process: Submit the application form along with required documents to the administrative office or via email. - Submit to Room 311, KUBS Main Building / - For email submissions, combine all documents into a single PDF file. (Mobile phone pictures are NOT accepted.)   6. Required Documents 1) Research Scholarship Application Form 2) Academic Transcript 3) Research Outcome Report (연구성과보고서) 4) Research Plan (연구계획서) 5) Screenshot of the list of conference attendance or published papers at RMS (if applicable) 6) Certificate of 4 Major Social Security Status (4대 사회보험 가입내역 확인서)    - Submit in the first week of the semester    - Obtain at the website of Social Insurance Information System (   7. Examination for Scholarship 1) Enrolled students: GPA / Thesis Publishing / Conference Presentation / Research Plan / Etc (Sincerity, Financial Circumstance, etc.)     - Freshmen students will be considered their admission score instead of GPA. 2) Completed Research students: Comprehensive Exam / Thesis Publishing / Conference Presentation / Research Plan / Etc (Sincerity, Financial circumstance, etc)     - Students who haven’t taken comprehensive examination will be considered their GPA instead of comprehensive examination score.   8. Results Announcement 1) Spring Semester: End of February 2) Fall Semester: End of August   9. Remarks 1) The number of payments for the Research Scholarship includes previous payments received under the Living Expense Scholarship.     - Example: If a PhD student already received the Living Expense Scholarship 7 times in the past, they can receive the Research Scholarship for an additional 3 times. 2) Students may be selected as participants in the BK21 Business School Education Research Group through the scholarship evaluation process.   10. Inquiries 1) 02-3290-1365 / 2) [BK21] 02-3290-5361 /  

NEW[International][Exchange] Guidelines and Selection Schedules for Fall 2025 Student Exchange Program첨부파일

2024.12.16 Views 165

Guidelines and Selection Schedules for Fall 2025 Outbound Student Exchange Program   ★★★ The required documents have to submitted all online. But you have to keep the original document. ★★★ ‘Slot & Requirements’ will be attached to this page after the information session. Please check this page on a regular basis for the updates of the exchange slot. ★★★ Please apply for this program after fully understanding the school you have interests in (refer to the factsheet from the webpage of the host university. Factsheet → ★★★ The interview will be conducted online using Zoom. Detailed notices regarding the interview will be sent via email after the application deadline. ★★★ Please check Factsheet, not only [Fall_2025_Exchange_slots.xlsx]   [Selection Schedule]  Contents  Details  Information Session (Only in Korean)  Date: Dec. 26th (Thu) 2024, 14:00~ (Only in Korean)  Information Session will be held online by Zoom  URL will be uploaded on Dec. 24th.  Online application  Date: Jan. 9th (Thu) 11:00 a.m. – Jan. 12th (Sun) 23:59 p.m. (kst)  * Apply online by clicking the “교환학생 지원하기” on the KUBS website (only available on the Korean website)  Undergraduate & Graduate :  MBA :  ** All documents must be submitted online  *** After the submission deadline, we will request offline submission only if necessary  Please make sure you have the original copy  Interview  Date: Jan. 16th (Thu) – Jan. 17th (Fri)  Interview will be held online by Zoom (If you are a MBA student, the course manager will contact you.)  All applicants have to take both KOR,ENG Interview  If a schedule change occurs, further notice will be delivered  *Interview-related information will be delivered to the applicants who have submitted application documents  Orientation Session for Preliminary Successful Applicants   (Only mandatory for UND students)   Date: Feb 7th (Fri), 14:00~ expected  Details will be announced. [Notes]  1. Eligibility: KUBS students (dual degree and undeclared majors included)     * KUBS students who are interested in KUBS Outbound Student Exchange Program.     ** Students who hope to study abroad in Fall 2025. 2. Qualifications A. Student whose cumulative GPA is 3.0 or above for the total and two recent semesters. (summer, winter semester, leave of absence ared excluded) (However, student in the dual degree program must complete 12 credit hours of Business Administration courses, and a cumulative GPA in those courses must be 3.0 or above -- eligible to apply with one semester) B. Last semester students who took less than 117 credits based on 130 graduation grades before the exchange semester can apply the selection. C. Graduate student (MBA students included) whose cumulative GPA is 3.0 or above. (S)he cannot study abroad in their last semester. D. KUBS transfer student who has completed two or more semesters at KU. (Students from a different campus must complete two semesters at KU Anam Campus.) E. Student who meets the qualifications above are eligible to apply (student on leave of absence or in dual degree program included.) F. MBA student with grades of at least 1 semester (more than two modules) (average just above 3.0) G. K,F,E MBA student can be dispatched in the fourth semester, but registration is required for at least one additional semester. (for more information, contact MBA manager) H. GMBA student can be dispatched after completing a year at KU. (for more information, contact MBA manager) ※ TOFEL iBT/IELTS score is required only if a host university requests for it (host universities that request TOFEL iBT/IELTS score will be indicated on the List of Host Universities, which will be uploaded later). Basic points will be given to applicants who do not need to submit TOFEL iBT/IELTS score. ※ For the international students, please refer to attachment below [안내]해외파견 프로그램에 참가하는 외국인 학생을 위한 출입국 안내(outbound)_한영.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Documents to Submit] - Upload the files as PDF Statement of Purpose in English form and  English Resume form will be uploaded after the Information Session on Dec. 26th. 1. Fill out the "교환학생 온라인 지원서" online and submit a scanned copy of the following items. 2. Copy of your passport (Your English name on passport, certificate of enrollment, and transcript must be the same) ** Expiration date of your passport must be after June. 2026. (Must valid for at least 6 months after your exchange program ends) (Please extend or renew your passport if the expiration date of your passport does not satisfy the period above. You may submit the receipt for your passport renewal. However, the final copy of your passport must be submitted by the day of the interview.) 3. Certificate of Enrollment in English (only official certificate issued by One-stop Service Center can be accepted.) ** If the student is on leave of absence at the time of application, submit a certificate of leave of absence(English version) 4. Transcript in English for external use ** Must submit the issued copy within 2 weeks 5. Official score report for TOFEL iBT/IELTS (corresponding students only) (If an official score report is unavailable, screenshot your score on the website and submit it; however, you must submit your official score report before the day of the interview. Please note that some universities request your score to be valid until the first day of the exchange program (e.g. U.S.A.) 6. Statement of Purpose in English (two pages max on an A4 sheet)     A. Statement of Purpose     B. Study Plan & Future Plans     C. Leadership & Social Skills 7. English Resume (one page max on an A4 sheet) 8. Certificate for each on/off campus activity (You may submit official copy or bring it to the office for approval) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Selection Criteria] 1. Application (40%)     1) Cumulative GPA of two most recent semesters (summer/winter semester excluded) (25%)     2) English Proficiency Test Score (TOEFL/IELTS) (15%) 2. Interview (60%): Statement of Purpose and Resume will be reflected during the interview     1) Interview in Korean (30%)     2) Interview in English (30%) ※ Interview in Korean and English is mandatory for all applicants (including international students), if you do not take the interviews, you cannot be selected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Maximum Number of Host Universities Available for Application] 1. Students may apply for a maximum of 5 host universities (can apply 5 English-speaking host universities) 2. Students who have previously studies abroad can re-apply to the previous nominated school or previous nominated country. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Exchange Period] 1. One semester 2. Students studying abroad CAN extend their exchange program (Students must submit a letter of recommendation or approval from the host university; may extend their stay up to one year)   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Selection Criteria for Former Exchange Student] 1. Students who have previously studied abroad as an KUBS exchange students will be nominated after the 1st round 2. Students who have cancelled their exchange program after the nomination confirmation will not be nominated     ※ If one has a reasonable excuse, (s)he will be placed as a last candidate of the exchange program 3. Students who have previously studied abroad through exchange program MUST go through the same application process.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [Additional Notes] 1. Student who have been suspended, reprimanded, or on academic probation last semester will be penalized. 2. An automatic drop-out will occur if students provide wrong information, counterfeit certificates, or reject to submit documents. 3. Students cannot apply for the exchange program at Korea University’s Office of International Affairs and KUBS at the same time. (You must withdraw the KU exchange program in order to apply for the KUBS exchange program.) 4. For the recipients of KUBS Freshmen Special Scholarship, scholarship will be granted based on their GPA for the recent semester.  ex) first semester at KU, second semester at host university; scholarship for the third semester will be given based on one’s first semester at KU. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Announcement of Successful Applicants] *Date and time can be changed  Jan. 21(Tue) 17:00p.m. Announcement of Successful Applicants (expected; date may change)  Jan. 21(Tue)   ~23(Thu) Online nomination confirmation (an automatic drop-out will occur if students do not confirm)  Jan. 24 (Fri)  Notice of 2nd Round  Jan. 24 (Fri) ~  Jan. 26 (Sun)  Application for 2nd Round (please note that you cannot cancel your exchange program if you are applying for the 2nd Round. Thus, if there is no host university you wish to study, please do not apply)   Jan. 27 (Mon) ~  Announcement of Successful Applicants for 2nd Round (expected; date may change) for further inquiries, please contact   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1) Do I need to submit the English transcript and Certificate of Enrollment after receiving the One-Stop Center stamp? A: No, it is not necessary. For these documents, downloading it directly from the portal (via Certificate Issuance) is also acceptable.   2) Should the filenames of the uploaded files be completely identical for all files? A: This is related to personal verification, so as long as the spelling is exactly the same, it is sufficient. It doesn't matter if there are slight differences in capitalization.   3) I'm curious about the interview scheduling process. A: Interview schedules are assigned in the order of submitted applications. If your available interview time is limited, we recommend applying as soon as possible. If you apply late and find that the available interview slots for you are already filled, we will randomly assign an interview schedule for you, so please keep that in mind. Once scheduled, interview times cannot be changed.   4) Can students with double majors apply for the exchange student program? A: Yes, if you have taken 12 or more credits in the Business Administration department, you are eligible to apply. If you only have grades for one semester at the time of applying for the exchange program, you can input the grades for that semester only. In such cases, for the previous semester, you can enter 0 points.

[Academic][Undergraduate] Application for Completion Certificate of KUBS Concentration Track (prospective grad첨부파일

2024.12.16 Views 83

This notice is regarding application for completion certificate of KUBS concentration track.    1. Eligibility: Undergraduate students who meet all the following requirements:   1) Students who will graduate or complete coursework (pending graduate) by February 2025. This includes those pursuing their first major (including from school of interdisciplinary studies), a double major, and a dual degree in Business.  2) Students who have fulfilled the requirements for the completion certificate of the KUBS concentration track  3) Students who have earned all the credits required to graduate from all majors    2. Application Period: January 8 (Wed), 2025 ~ February 7 (Fri), 2025  * Applications cannot be submitted outside these periods.  * Must include fall 2024 semester grades    3. Required documents  1) Application form for completion certificate of KUBS concentration track (경영대학 세부트랙 이수 인증 신청서)  2) Academic transcript (including the fall 2024 semester)    4. Application Method  1) Visit: Room #103, KUBS Main Building (10:00 ~ 17:00 on Mon through Fri (except for lunch break 12:00 ~ 13:00)  2) E-mail to:   5. Note  1) The completion certificate will not be issued without the submission and approval of the application.  2)  Applications cannot be submitted outside the specified periods.  3) The signature at the bottom of the application form must be handwritten.  4) The completion certificate of KUBS concentration track will be issued through KUPID.  5) Completion of the KUBS concentration track is optional and not a graduation requirement.  6) If all graduation requirements have been met, students cannot postpone graduation solely to complete the concentration track.  7) For details on the KUBS concentration track:   * Application for the certificate of KUBS concentration track is not a graduation requirement, and can be chosen at the student's discretion. * Once the application is approved, the completion certificate of KUBS concentration track can be printed from the KUPID certificate program.   6. Inquiries: / 02-3290-2702

[Academic][Mandatory Notice for Prospective Graduates of February 2025] Completion of “Human Rights and Gender

2024.12.05 Views 91

[Mandatory Notice for Prospective Graduates of February 2025] Completion of “Human Rights and Gender Equality Education” for Students with Incomplete Requirements from Previous Years    Mandated Participants: Undergraduate students from cohorts 2017 through 2021 who are currently enrolled and have not fulfilled the “Human Rights and Gender Equality Education” graduation requirement.  Course Period: December 23, 2024 (Monday) at 10:00 AM – January 5, 2025 (Sunday) at 11:59 PM (Strict Deadline)  ※ Students have been automatically enrolled in the appropriate course section on Blackboard based on their individual incomplete records. To fulfill the graduation requirement, students must complete all components of the course titled ‘[2024 Summer_Incomplete Students] Human Rights and Gender Equality Education’ on Blackboard.  ※ Important Notes: Even if students complete all additional education sessions for previous incompletions, failing to complete the ongoing 2024 regular education program will result in one incomplete session, thereby failing to meet the graduation requirement. Students who have not yet participated in the 2024 regular education program must directly register and complete it via Blackboard - Information Page.    Education (One incomplete session deducted per course completion)  ① [2024 Winter_Incomplete Students] Human Rights and Gender Equality Education 01  ② [2024 Winter_Incomplete Students] Human Rights and Gender Equality Education 02  ③ [2024 Winter_Incomplete Students] Human Rights and Gender Equality Education 03  ※ The courses are provided in Korean, English, and Chinese (English and Chinese versions include subtitles).  ※ Courses corresponding to the student's incomplete academic years have been automatically registered.    Completion Method: Watch the online content uploaded on Blackboard and complete the quiz (To pass, you need to score 70 points or higher.)  ※ It is mandatory to complete each step in its entirety.  ※Accelerated playback or simultaneous video playback will result in the education completion time being invalidated.  ※ Viewing progress is tracked, and failure to achieve 100% video completion will result in the course being marked as incomplete.         5.  Important Notes  - The final completion record for additional education will be updated in the portal (KUPID > Courses > Education Completion Status Inquiry) after late January 2025.   - For further inquiries, please email the Human Rights and Gender Equality Center at with your personal details (name and student ID). Responses will be provided in the order received.   

[Academic]2025-1 Readmission Application

2024.12.05 Views 99

2025-1 Readmission Application   Korea University Constitution Article 15 (Re-admission),  Academic Regulations Chapter 2 Section 1 Subsection 3 Re-admission   1. Application Period: December 4 (Wed) 10:00, 2024 ~ December 6 (Fri) 16:00, 2024 * Interview required: Please contact the department office for a detailed schedule.   2. Eligibility: Readmission shall be available for those who have withdrawn from the University after                     attending for at least one semester at Korea University.   * Students who have been expelled following disciplinary procedures are excluded from applying for      readmission.   * Students may apply for readmission after a designated period has passed depending on the types of      withdrawal(Please refer to the details below)     A. used all the leave of absence period and did not enroll within the registration period     B. failed to register within the registration period     C. received a certain number of academic warnings     D. voluntary Withdrawal     Type A, B: may apply for readmission after one semester has elapsed since the student’s withdrawal                      from the University.     Type C, D: may apply for readmission after at least two semesters have elapsed since the student’s                       withdrawal from the University.   3. Excluded Department (Eliminated departments)   A. Readmission is limited only to the exact department student was enrolled, However, it does not include        eliminated departments.   B. Students from eliminated departments are required to complete the ‘Declaration of Major Change’ on         the application form to apply for readmission. (Please contact the department office for further details         regarding the appropriate department)   4. Required Documents   A. One copy of Readmission application From(Attached)        (Application for Readmission, Explanation for Readmission and Statement of Purpose, Letter of Pledge)   B. One copy of Certificate of Student Register(학적 증명서)         (※Available on Portal(Online), can be issued in Korean only)   C. One copy of Academic Grade Records(성적증명서)   5. Venue: School/Department Office   6. Interview Schedule: During December 11 (Wed), 2024 ~ December 13 (Fri), 2024 * Schedule will notified from the department office.   7. Announcement: January 17 (Fri) 17:00, 2025 (To be Confirmed)   8. Important Notices  A. Readmission shall be permissible in the event of vacancy to the student quota of the department       concerned. Readmission may be granted only once.   * Overall student quota left after the readmission application period may be considered for other       departments. Therefore, students may apply without considering the student quota of their own       department(The number of spots is not notified)  B. Students accepted for readmission are required to complete tuition payment and the course       registration. Students must complete the tuition fee payment only during the Regular Payment       period.       If a student does not complete the tuition fee payment within the designated period, readmission will be       canceled and the student may not re-apply.  C. Readmitted students must comply with the Korea University Constitution and Letter for Pledge.  D. Readmitted students may not apply for leave of absence for their first (re-admitted) semester.  E. If the students’ department is eliminated, the student may apply for readmission by filling out the        ‘Declaration of Major Change’ on the readmission application form.   2024.11.25   Educational Affairs Team

*[Academic]2025-전기 대학원 학석사연계과정 모집 안내 / 2025 Spring Admission for Combined Bachelor-Master Degree Programs첨부파일

2024.11.06 Views 795

2025학년도 전기 일반대학원 학석사연계과정 모집안내 1. 대상     1) 고려대학교 학부 재학생    2) 대학원 학과 지원 가능한 학부 학과전공 제한 없음, 단 중복지원 불가    3) 합격 다음 학기부터 최소 1학기 이상 잔여학기 있어야 지원할 수 있음    4) 교육부령의 군위탁자 및 GKS(대한민국정부초청)장학생을 제외한“정원외 지원자”지원 가능   2. 일정     1) 지원서접수 : 2024년 11월 25일(월) - 11월 27일(수) 09:00 - 17:00    2) 전형시행 : 2024년 12월 5일(목) - 12월 6일(금)    3) 합격자 발표 : 2025년 1월 24일(금) *예정 Guidelines for 2025 Spring Admission for Combined Bachelor-Master Degree Programs 1. Applicable Departments and Eligibility   * Eligible applicants: students enrolled in an undergraduate program offered by Korea University / Restriction on departments and majors available for admission have been abolished (however, duplicate applications are not allowed)    ※ Eligible applicants for a combined bachelor-master degree program must have at least one semester remaining to complete the required registration period of the program.    ※ Applicants who are an “applicant beyond the student quota” are eligible to apply, except for military-entrusted students, as defined in the relevant ordinance of the Ministry of Education, and Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) students.   2. Application Period: November 25(Mon) – 27(Wed), 2024, 09:00~17:00 3. Document Screening Period: December 5(Thu) - 6(Fri), 2024 4. Announcement of Acceptance: January 24(Fri), 2025 (TBA) *자세한 사항은 첨부된 모집안내를 참고하시기 바랍니다. / Please refer to the attachment.    ► 문의처: 경영대학 일반대학원 행정팀 02-3290-1363,

[Scholarship]Application Guide for SK/IBRE Research Grants and International Academic Conference Scholarships첨부파일

2024.11.01 Views 247

Application Guide for SK/IBRE Research Grants and International Academic Conference Scholarships for MS/PhD Students  For detailed guidelines on the "Graduate School of Business Research Scholarship Policy," please refer to the attached file below.  Eligibility: Registered degree candidates  Scholarship Amounts:  SK Research Grant  Tier 1: 2 million KRW  Tier 2: 500,000 KRW  IBRE Research Grant: 500,000 KRW  International Academic Conference Scholarship: There is no limit on the number of applications, but funding is capped at KRW 2 million per year and limited to actual expenses only (airfare, accommodation, and registration fees). Notes (1) Airfare: - The departure and arrival locations and airports must be identical (layovers included). (2) Accommodation: - Funding is based on the university's foreign travel allowance guidelines, with maximum daily rates varying by country and city, so please verify the details carefully. - Accommodation expenses are only covered up to one day before and after the conference period.  Required Documents  One copy of the Application for International Academic Conference Paper Presentation Research Fund Enter conference details in the Research Portal and specify the Research Achievement Number on the application  One copy of proof of research results entered in the Research Portal  One copy of the cover and abstract of the presented paper  One copy of the conference invitation or registration certificate indicating the applicant’s presenter status  One copy of the receipt (email screenshot) for conference registration fees  %For BK-participating graduate students, attach a copy of the International Academic Conference Participation Confirmation Form (attached)  One copy of the conference brochure  Proof of presentation (e.g., brochure showing the applicant’s name, presentation date/time, and paper title, screenshots if presented online, or presentation confirmation)  Airfare    One copy of the original boarding pass for departure and arrival. If the boarding pass is unavailable, a certificate of entry and exit can be submitted instead (available through Minwon24)    One copy of the e-ticket    One copy of the receipt/proof of expenditure  Accommodation    One copy of the receipt showing the name and dates of stay    One copy of the receipt/proof of expenditure  Registration Fee    One copy of the receipt that includes the student's name and the conference title    One copy of the receipt/proof of expenditure   4. Payment Method Guide:  For BK-participating graduate students:   - Airfare and registration fees must be paid using the BK research fund card (personal cards cannot be used as BK funding is provided by the government).   - BK funding can only be processed with the BK research fund card, so please coordinate airfare and registration fee payments with the general scholarship and BK staff member (Ms. Lee Ji-Yoon: 02-3290-5361).   - For accommodation, the fixed rate (refer to BK student allowance table) applies, and the amount will be transferred by the administrative office.  For non-BK-participating graduate students:   - All expenses must be paid in cash. Receipts should be issued for expense documentation, not for tax deduction in the name of the university (Korea University Business Registration Number: 209-82-00433).   - If using a personal card is unavoidable, submit both the ‘Sales receipt’ and ‘personal card usage statement’  5. Additional Inquiries  1)For BK-participating graduate students: 02-3290-5361 /  2)For non-BK-participating graduate students: 02-3290-1365 /  3) For Research Portal inquiries: 02-3290-5817 (Office hours 08:00-16:30)   

[General]2024 2nd Semester [Series 5] Alumni Mentoring Event

2024.10.10 Views 380

Getting Practical:  Learning from Senior Professionals     As AI continues to replace many tasks, society and companies are still led by humans. But humans are not merely resources—their value lies in their competitiveness. No person is perfect in every field. Even popular tools like the MBTI show how individuals, when placed in the right position, can be highly effective resources.  This applies to every aspect of life— families, school projects, sports teams, the military, hospitals, companies, accounting firms, tax offices, factories, NGOs, government, the judiciary, the National Assembly, the executive branch, and even RPG game characters. So, what should students, who are preparing to become such resources be focusing on? What qualities are organizations looking for? What makes someone a sought-after resource expert?  Join us for this mentoring event to gain insights into these questions and learn how to become the target of headhunters!          - Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024, 18:00 - 20:00    - Venue: LG-POSCO Hall, SUPEX HALL    - Participants: All Korea University students     - Agenda:  1. Introduction of the Moderator and VIPs    2. Guest speaker presentations    3. Panelist Q&A            We are pleased to invite you to the ‘Alumni Mentoring Event’, hosted by the Korea University Business School Alumni Association and the Korea University Economic and Finance Alumni Association (KEFA). Now in its 5th iteration, this event aims to introduce students to various career paths and help address concerns about their future. Since 2023, alumni from industries such as Private Equity, Venture Capital, Investment Banking, Analyst roles, Brokerage, Fund Management, Real Estate, Law, Startups, Consulting, Taxation, and CPA fields have shared their experiences. We hope you gain valuable insights from this event.     - Event Registration:  - Inquiries: Contact Korea University Business School Administration Office Hyunjung Kim (    - Watch Highlights from previous events: (YouTube ID: @highdiv)            1. Jinseok Park (Business '91) - Managing Director of Korn Ferry Korea, former Vice President of Mercer Korea       - What is HR consulting? Why is it an attractive career for Korea University students?     - Career success and growth strategies (salary, promotion, self-development)     2. Joongkwon Hwang (Business '91) - Advisor at WorksMate, Former Analyst of the Construction Sector at Hyundai Securities, Trusstone Asset Management, KB Asset Management, Daewon Construction       - The rapidly changing population structure, labor environment, the reality of lifelong work, the sharing economy of labor, the evolution of platforms, and what workers need to prepare for in the future.       * Moderator: Youngil Kim (Business '97)         - Career: President of the Korea University Economic and Finance Alumni Association (KEFA), Executive Director of the Korea University Business School Alumni Association, Director at Rifa Asset Management          

NEW[Scholarship]Application for KUBS(Tuition fee) Scholarship 2nd round for Fall semester of 2024 (Oct.14th~18th)

2024.10.08 Views 735

Application for KUBS(Tuition fee) Scholarship 2nd round for Fall semester of 2024   ※ KUBS Scholarship supports tuition fee only. ※ Students who are not selected in the KUBS(Tuition fee) Scholarship first round can reapply.   1. Eligibility:  Business School students who have registered for the fall semester of 2024. (If you have already received a 100% tuition fee scholarship, you will automatically be excluded from the evaluation.) 2. Necessary documents to apply for the KUBS scholarship: (1) Online Application (including the agreement to collect and use personal information) (2) Family relation certificate (3) Bank statement (showing all remittances from your country in the fall semester of 2024) (4) Confirmation of disease (if applicable, including for a family member) (5) Etc. (Any documents that can prove your economic situation, including a letter from a professor): Salary Certificate, Unemployment certificate * All documents must be submitted in both original and translated versions. * All documents must be in either Korean or English only.   3. Application period : Oct.14th(Mon), 2024 9:00am ~ Oct. 18th(Fri), 2024 5:00pm * Selection announcement: mid-November (via individual text) (1) How to apply: KUBS website ( - Application - Apply - Log in - Fill out all sections and attach the documents- Submit. (2) If there are special characters (such as !, #, ?) in your portal password, you won't be able to log in. (3) How to fix: KUPID log in > change your password (composed only of alphabets and numbers) > KUBS website log in. (4) Students can edit their application during the application period up to Oct. 18th. (5) Press [Submit] even after temporarily saving your application.   4. Things to consider: (1) If you've already been offered 100% of your tuition as a scholarship, you will automatically be excluded from the evaluation. * Tuition scholarships only cover up to the amount of tuition (100%), so please be aware of this. (2) The length of the statement of purpose is a maximum of 2000 bytes. Please write about why you need to receive a scholarship. (3)  If the reason for applying for a scholarship is the same as the previous semester, it may be excluded from the screening. (4) If you take a leave of absence during the semester, you must pay back the scholarship. (5) We only accept online applications. However, if you encounter any problems with saving/submitting/logging into the application form, please send an email to ''. (6) If you don't encounter any problems with 'submitting' the application form, you don't need to send it via email again.   5. Contact: 02-3290-1301,2701 /

NEW[Scholarship]Application for KUBS Dream Scholarship 2nd round for Fall semester of 2024 (Oct.14th~18th)

2024.10.08 Views 697

Application for KUBS Dream Scholarship 2nd round for Fall semester of 2024   ※ Dream Scholarship is a living-fee scholarship. ※ The amount of scholarship for the 2nd round is 2,000,000 KRW. ※ Students who are not selected in the KUBS Dream Scholarship first round can reapply.   1. Eligibility: Business School students who have registered for the fall semester of 2024. * If you already received living fee scholarship more than 2,000,000KRW, you are automatically rejected from the evaluation.   2. Necessary documents to apply for the KUBS Dream scholarship: (1) Online Application (including the agreement to collect and use personal information) (2) Family relation certificate (3) Bank statement (showing all remittances from your country in the fall semester of 2024) (4) Confirmation of disease (if applicable, including for a family member) (5) Etc. (Any documents that can prove your economic situation, including a letter from a professor): Salary Certificate, Unemployment certificate   * All documents must be submitted in both original and translated versions.   * All documents must be in either Korean or English only.   3. Application period : Oct.14th(Mon), 2024 9:00am ~ Oct. 18th(Fri), 2024 5:00pm * Selection announcement: mid-November (via individual text) (1) How to apply: KUBS website ( - KUBS Dream Scholarship  - application - apply - Fill out all section and attach the documents - Submit (2) If there are special characters(such as !,#,?)in your portal password, you won't be able to log in. (3) How to edit : KUPID log in > change your password (only composed with alphabet and number) > KUBS website log in (4) Students can edit their application during the application period up to Oct. 18th. (5) Press [Submit] even after temporarily saving your application.   4. Things to consider: (1) If you already received living fee scholarship more than 2,000,000 KRW, you are automatically rejected from the evaluation. (2) The length of the statement of purpose is a maximum of 2000 bytes. Please write about why you need to receive a scholarship. (3)  If the reason for applying for a scholarship is the same as the previous semester, it may be excluded from the screening. (4) If you take a leave of absence during the semester, you must pay back the scholarship. (5) We only accept online applications. However, if you encounter any problems with saving/submitting/logging into the application form, please send an email to ''. (6) If you don't encounter any problems with 'submitting' the application form, you don't need to send it via email again. 5. Contact: 02-3290-1301,2701 /
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