CEMS Global MIM Academic Calendar

Global MIM students will start their first semester at KUBS taking core courses as well as CEMS mandatory courses. In the second semester, students will take CEMS courses at one of the CEMS member schools and pursue an International Internship during summer respectively. Students who meet both KUBS and CEMS graduation requirements are eligible to receive master degree from KUBS MIM(Master in Management) and certificate of CEMS MIM(Master in International Management).

Term 1/Fall

(August - February)

  • KUBS Core Classes
  • CEMS Core Classes
  • Electives
  • * Note: Module 3 (January to February) would not be offered for the incoming students.
Term 2/Spring

(March - August)

At CEMS Partner School
  • CEMS Core Classes
  • Electives
  • Global MIM graduation (Mid of August)
8 weeks of International Internship


  • International Internship
  • CEMS MIM graduation(End of November)

    Internship can be done during or after CEMS year

Year Month Global MIM Program
Term 1
*Note: 8 weeks for each module except for Module 0
July Registration
August Block Seminar; Orientation
August – December Module 0-2 at KUBS
January – February Module 3 at KUBS
Term 2
*Note: 8 weeks for each module
March – August Module 4~6 at CEMS Partner School
8 Weeks International Internship 8 Weeks International Internship

* The requirements for obtaining the above degree may be changed according to the regulations of the school and the partner school.