Course Introduction

The KUBS ‘ESG Advanced Management Program’ aims to learn the latest trends in ESG issues at home and abroad, establish and implement ESG strategies optimized for each company, and seek practical ways to communicate them with various stakeholders.

최고경영자과정(ESG) 소개 이미지
최고경영자과정(ESG) 소개 이미지
최고경영자과정(ESG) 소개 이미지
최고경영자과정(ESG) 소개 이미지
최고경영자과정(ESG) 소개 이미지
The birthplace of warm management leaders who solve problems humankind face, create social values, and practice transparent management
As social responsibility for sustainable development becomes more important, businesses/investors strive to find answers to ESG management, and at the forefront of this concern, fellow trainees consisting of the best faculty and experts from various organizations of Korea University Business School work together to develop the right strategy.

- Once a week, Wednesday (18:00-21:00, dinner 17:00-17:50)

KUBS ESG-AMP Merit 1. The best and largest business university faculty in Korea

With a wealth of ESG-related field experience and advanced management theory, the best faculty fosters the ability of CEOs to proactively cope with the turbulent and ever-changing business environment.

  • 다양한 교외활동
  • 다양한 교외활동

KUBS ESG-AMP Merit 2. Professional Curriculum

ESG CEO course created by Korea University Business School, which has experts specializing in E (Environment), S (Social Value), and G (Corporate Governance), will ensure understanding and responding to ESG management through academic classes and practical projects.

KUBS ESG-AMP Merit 3. Best Educational Environment

Korea University's Hyundai Motor Building and LG-POSCO Building are the largest buildings among Business Schools in Korea. They are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for real-time video lectures, online and offline classes, various sizes of study rooms and self-study spaces, which are utilized for various forms of class, discussion, and assignments.

  • KUBS ESG Merit
  • KUBS ESG Merit

KUBS ESG-AMP Merit 4. Various Extracurricular activities

[Orientation] By introducing the trainees themselves along with a detailed explanation of the schedule and process of this program, it enables faster and wider understanding between the enrolled students to increase intimacy at the beginning of admission.
[Domestic/Overseas Training] Overseas (or domestic) training conducted during the semester is a program that visits the ESG management industry site of the company to help understand the local ESG culture and industry.
[ESG-AMP Association Activities] In addition to regular classes, we are planning to conduct various ESG-AMP Association activities (business forums, seminars, golf clubs, etc. Through regular meetings with fellow trainees, you can experience Korea University ESG-AMP's strong network.
[KU Alumni Registration] You can get discounts for comprehensive medical examination at the KU medical center by registering as an alumnus.

  • 다양한 교외활동
  • 다양한 교외활동