Apply research assistant

The Guidance on the Application Procedure for 2021 Spring Assistantship Scholarships

Please refer to below regarding the application procedure for 2021 spring assistantship scholarships.

- Below -

* Please note that you may submit all document via e-mail due to COVID-19.

1. Application Period
Monday. Jan. 11. 2021 ~ Friday. Jan. 22. 2021 (Strict adherence to the period)

2. Eligibility
A. Full-time MS, Ph.D., Integrated MS/Ph.D. students of the department of business administration enrolled in the semester (except for students on a leave of absence)
※ Full-time: status of unemployment or unpaid leave. It can be proved by the 4 major social insurance subscribers.
B. A student whose average in the previous semester are 3.5 or higher or whose cumulative average is 3.5 or higher. (Including F)
C. A student who has taken more than 8 credits (3 courses) every semester.

3. 신청방법
A. Fill out the form on the webpage
* Current student: -> MS/PhD -> ‘연구/교육조교신청’ (The button will be seen only in the Korean language version of the webpage.)
* Freshman: Fill out the form sent via e-mail.
B. Submit the document (the forms of 1~3, 6 are attached) to the person in charge of scholarships at the office of MS/PhD programs. (Business administration main building 304)

① The letter of recommendation 1 copy
※ The signature of the area chair on the recommendation shall be collected by the administrative office.
※ If you are a freshman and automatically assigned to Prof. Hwang, Joon Ho or the area chair for your advisor, you do not need to get your advisor’s signature on document. Please just write the name of your advisor.
※ Current students should submit the recommendation letter with their advisor’s signature. (It may be replaced by an e-mail approval.)

② The assistant’s pledge 1 copy
③ A security pledge 1 copy
④ A transcript
※ If you are a freshman, please submit former university’s transcript. (Unofficial transcript is accepted)
⑤ 4 major social insurance subscribers 1 copy
※ You may print it out here:
※ Print it out and submit during May. 2nd- May 5th..
⑥ An agreement on the service of an assistant 1 copy
※ Please leave ‘the Head of Department(기관장)’ part as a blank.
※ ‘Operations manager(운영책임자)’ : Research assistant: Professor’s name, Teaching assistant: leave it as a blank.

4. The amount of scholarship
A. A current student: 4,886,000 won per semester, 100% of tuition
B. A completed research student (PhD course): 7,800,000 won per semester (Living expenses)

5. Role
A. Research assistant: Performing Business School Professors' Class and Research Assistance
B. Teaching assistant: Performing tasks related to class assistance.

6. Working period
Mar. 1st. 2021~Aug. 31st. 2021
※ The working period may be changed according to the business school schedule.
※ Only students who will work diligently and will not give up during the designated period may apply.

7. Precautions
A. Complete all online applications and submit required documents within the application period.
B. No other scholarships combined with this scholarship
※ However, if a scholarship or tuition subsidy is received from an external scholarship institution, the graduate school department management committee may decide whether to pay all or part of the scholarship separately on the premise that the payment criteria specified in the scholarship regulations are met.
C. The assistantship scholarship will be paid afterwards, so please complete the tuition payment according to the regular tuition payment period.
D. According to graduate school guidelines, changes in the selection and assignment of assistant teachers for the 2021 Spring semester may occur.

8. Result announcement
A. Date: in the 3rd or 4th week of the February 2021
B. Announced via E-mail
※ Please note that the list of selectees for research assistantship and teaching assistantship can be announced separately.

9. Inquiries
Administrative office, 02-3290-1365

1. Personal Information (* indicates required fields.)

  • Different types of TA : Depending on the working hours, TAs can receive scholarships from 50% (10 hours per week), 75% (15 hours per week), up to 100% (20 hours per week). However, please keep in mind that if you select the 50% option, the department may not choose your application due to the nature of the work. Research assistant positions are not limited in working hours.
  • Information on “Transfer Available”: If you wish to be allocated as a teaching assistant after being disqualified from research assistant and teaching assistant, please select “Transfer Available.”
  • Please remember that we may not be able to allocate you to the department of your choice, as the position is randomly selected from the remaining availability from the first round of selection.
Types of TA*
Previous work
Experience (Years, accumulative)*
  • Photo is a required field

2. Grades

  • Grades should not include directed studies and prerequisite courses.
  • Strategic Marketing Management 3 Credits A+
  • Advanced Management/Economic Statistics 3 Credits A+
  • Marking Special Research III 3 Credits A+
  • Average GPA of the previous semester 4.5/4.5 Total credits of the previous semester (9 Credits)
Average GPA of the previous semester
/ 4.5
Credits earned from the previous semester
Cumulative average GPA*
/ 4.5
Total credits earned*

3. Academic background

Admitted date* Graduation date* University name and department* Delete
출신학교 및 학과*

4. Scholarships

  • In the case of Article 11 (double benegiciary) of the scholarship payment regulation, the tuition support scholarship can be double beneficiary within the range of tuition fee (4,886,000 won).
Name of Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship

5. Work experience

Starting date Finishing date Work experience Delete

6. Foreign language skills

Foreign language Test name Score Test date Delete

7. Computer skills/specialties

Certificates or specialties Grate Test date Delete

If you select “Preview,” “My Status,” make sure to save temporarily.

Save Temporarily Submit My Status

Choose the department

Choose the department you wish to work at:

Professor (Research Assistant) Supports the professor in his/her research; select Research Assistant from Types of TA
Visiting Professor (Research Assistant) Supports the visiting professor in his/her research; select Research Assistant from Types of TA
Visiting Scholars (Research Assistant) Supports the visiting scholar in his/her research: select Research Assistant from Types of TA
Finance Database Management (Research Assistant) Must be finance major; select Research Assistant from Types of TA
Subject Pool Management (Research Assistant) Must be marketing major; select Research Assistant from Types of TA
Large-scale lectures Supports administrative tasks related to large-scale lectures in undergraduate programs
Information Systems Team - Assist in management tasks related to electronics/computers within the KUBS
Write simple HTML and website monitoring
PR Team (Online/Offline) - Assist in publishing newspapers for the KUBS (articles/photos); assist in article writing
- Assist in website and social media management
- Article clipping/scrapping, research on task-related information
CDC - Analyze survey data/create survey
- Analyze and research job-related data
- Computer skills preferred (Powerpoint, Photoshop)
- Support CDC events
AMP - Available to work from 3 pm to 10 pm on Mondays (assist in class preparation and other administrative tasks every Monday)
- Remaining 13 hours can be distributed randomly
- 2 1-day trips during semester (OT, Couples Seminar), and 1 morning seminar (6:30 am to 10 am)
International Office - Respond to any inquiries/visit by international student/faculty and refer to the right persons
- Respond to any inquires by current undergraduate/graduate students for exchange student and refer to the right persons
- Assist in translation and interpretation
- Assist in international events
※ Diligent, hard-working people who would like to help foreigners preferred
MBA Visiting Faculty - Teaching Assistant for MBA Visiting Faculty (fluent English skills preferred)
- Must be flexible in working hours, as most classes are held early in the morning or late in the afternoon (focused in May, June, and July)
E-MBA - Assist in class preparation and administrative tasks for E-MBA
- Must be able to work on weekends (Friday, Saturday); one-week off for every two weeks
(General) Graduate School - Assist in general tasks related to graduate schools (application, inquiries, exams, admissions, and event support)
- Must be able to work on weekdays (9:00 am to 6:00 pm)
MBA Program - Must be able to work in evenings (5:00 pm to 10 pm) and Saturdays (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
- Assist in class-related tasks (prepare class materials, dinner support, attendance, parking, phone inquiries)
- Assist in class/administrative tasks for graduate school, MBA, and consignment programs
- TA for KCEO must be able to work on Wednesdays (5:00 pm to 10:00 pm) and at nights (class preparation, assistant tasks, and 2 to 3 1-day off-campus seminars per semester)
Department Administration Office - Assist in administrative tasks at KUBS Administration Office
- Manage Faculty Room
- Handle mail
Sudang Digital Library - Book lending/returning/duplicate books and misalignment check (including guide book)/facility management
- Manage mail for the KUBS
- Can use the KUBS database (i.e., Bloomberg)
TNT - Promote study groups for undergraduate students, manage and check attendance
- Teach Business Management major courses to international students in undergraduate programs
- Assist in credit transfers for transfer students
BK21PLUS - Support Research Professor and post-doc students from BK21PLUS
- Assist in administrative tasks related to BK21PLUS (Research performance)
- Skills in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word) preferred
Assessment - Tasks related to KUBS ranking
- Research on university evaluations
※ Skills in Excel/English preferred
General/Accounting - Assist in administrative tasks in KUBS General/Accounting Office