
Jyh-ping Chang (KUBS ’79), CEO of Astronergy Solar Korea, Donates 500 Million KRW

2018.07.11 Views 2400 경영대학

Jyh-ping Chang (KUBS ’79), CEO of Astronergy Solar Korea, Donates 500 Million KRW


Jyh-ping Chang, CEO of Astronergy Solar Korea, donated 500 million KRW for KUBS scholarship. The scholarship donated by Chang, who graduated KUBS in 1979, will be used for undergraduate students, and a donation ceremony took place at the Korea University Main Building on July 10th. 
(왼쪽부터) 권수영 경영대학장, 장치평 교우(경영79), 염재호 총장, 유병현 대외협력처장 (사진제공=커뮤니케이션팀)


At the donation ceremony, Chang said, "I'm always very interested in corporate social responsibility. I'd like to give my support to my alma mater, Korea University, in order to contribute to society." 

"We appreciate your support for future generations," said Jae-ho Yeom, President of Korea University. "We will work hard to nurture creative talents who will lead the future." 

Chang started his career at Sammi Development Center in 1983, followed by a career in Hong Kong working for Kolon Corporation as the vice president. He established Astronergy Solar Korea in 2009 and became its CEO. Since 2015, he has served as an adjunct professor and advisor at KUBS, and also as the 84th class president of the AMP program.
With a deep interest in corporate social responsibility, he has continued to make various donations at home and abroad. He sponsored "Town Musicians of Bremen,” a musical for children from low-income families. He also provided solar power facilities to Hongcheon Haemill School, an alternative school for multicultural kids. He promoted an energy welfare project called "Sunlight, Happiness and Sharing" with Korea Energy Corporation in Gangwon, donated in Fiji Disaster Recovery Fund and also 10,000 briquettes for the disadvantaged.

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