< KUBS News > is changing to become closer to subscribers!

2022.12.19 Views 758 국제실

KUBS News > is changing to become closer to subscribers!

The , the oldest newspaper in Korea in the field of management and economy, was founded on December 15th in 1960 under the slogan of "Compass of Corporate Management and Guide to Corporate Prosperity" and has been making efforts to deliver high-quality content to subscribers ever since. Reflecting the recent trend of the digital era, will be converted it into a mobile webzine that can be enjoyed regardless of time and space.


1. How will the change in the future?

From the 700th scheduled to be published in March 2023, it will be converted to webzine and we will inform you the news through Kakao Talk and e-mail. As mobile subscriptions are easy, we would like to change the issuance cycle to every other month to inform you of the news of KUBS more quickly and efficiently. In addition, we will show you various and vivid video news that could not be included in the printed version of .


2.How can I view the webzine?


Webzine will be published in the first week of every odd month, and we will send you a link that can be accessed on both PC and mobile via Kakao Talk and email. You can also check it on the KUBS website ( 


3. Will there be printed version of ?

With this 699th  being the last, the publication of printed materials will not be available. As is operated mainly by webzine, please subscribe through PC or mobile.


4. How is online subscription possible?

Please add the 'Korea University Business College' channel on Kakao Talk and complete the online subscription application through the welcome message you receive!
We are once again accepting subscriptions to collect new email addresses and mobile phone number addresses. If you want to subscribe, please apply. 
For subscribers who have difficulties, please contact the KUBS News(02-3290-1688) and we will guide you.