Strong passion of prospective entrepreneurs, Full of original ideas

2022.07.11 Views 1150 국제실

The 2022 Startup Express Summer Season was held successfully on June 3rd(Fri).

The competition was hosted by  Korea University Crimson Startup Support Group  SH Seoul Housing City Corporation  Seongbuk-gu Office  Seoul Metropolitan Government  Korea University, organized by Startup Station (Director = Hojung Shin) and Campus Town Support Center in Anam-dong, Korea University, and was sponsored by Iljin Group and Donghwa Group. The event was held offline at room 301 of Hyundai Motor Hall.

The competition was evaluated by △Director of Startup Station, Hojung Shin △Dongseop Lee, Startup Station Center Director △Jaiho Chung, Special Professor of Startup Station  Seungpyo Lee, Center Director of Iljin Global R&D Center  Wonkyung Yoo, Head of Hankook Ilbo Business Planning Team  Myungsoo Song, CEO of Pen Ventures Myungchul Shin, Kingsbay Capital Managing Partner.
First of all, the event began with the introduction of Startup Station by Dongseop Lee, Center Director, “as an incubation space that aims for a platform of entrepreneurship and innovation and realizes popping ideas and businesses,” and said, "The cumulative corporate value of graduates who have gone through startup expressions such as and reaches 110 billion won." He continued to explore on the endless opportunities of the event, saying “The Startup Express is held twice a year, and it is a start-up competition to select teams with excellent ideas.” and "There are various and useful lectures prepared for new tenants of Campus Town."

Next, Dean Johngseok Bae encouraged the participating teams with an opening speech. Dean Bae said, "I hope startups go beyond just making a lot of money to improve the quality of human life," adding, "I will do my best to help our teams grow as much as possible to influence whole world in a positive direction."

A total of 12 teams participated in this startup express to introduce business items.  Symptom-Based Menopause Management Service (My, Present),  Exchange Student Information Exchange Community (Exchange),  Marketing Solution that makes Kakao Talk advertisements into games(Buttlebot),  SNS Market for artists(nabi),  SNS platform based on Geofencing (Dropby), Online Space where chat and art will heal users (Yeven), △ Mental Care Diet Service implementing Deep Learning (Island), Dining Recommendation according to users’ taste The service platform(Hangeureut), University Sports Culture Platform (Vib),  Eco-Friendly Rewarding Commerce Platform using user location movement data (POLAR), Integrated Travel Curating Platform focusing on local experience(Buddify), and Web 3.0 based book reading, sharing, and reproduction service platform (Kogito) team was given five minutes of presentation and five minutes of Q&A time, respectively. 


Between so many passionate and ingenious ideas,  Buttlebot (Seung Myung-ho Entrepreneurship Award), My, Present (Iljin Entrepreneurship Award) teams were awarded won 5 million won in prize money for start-ups. The encouragement awards were won by  Buddify,  POLAR,  Kogito,  Ireland, and  Yeven. At the end of the event, Hojung Shin, Director of Startup Station, congratulated them, saying, "I hope you don't lose your initial commitment and grow with a sense of responsibility as a CEO."
Meanwhile, eight of the 12 teams participating in the event will move into Startup Station and four will move into Campus Town to continue their start-up activities.