2022 Homecoming Day of G-MBA ․ MIM held

2022.07.11 Views 1175 국제실

The 2022 Homecoming Day of Global MBA/Global MIM (hereinafter G-MBA/MIM) was held on June 2nd (Thu) 7PM at Ahn Young Il Hall of LG-POSCO Building. Yongkeun Yoo, Associate Dean of KUBS MBA, Special Professor Bongsun Kim, also Academic Director of G-MBA·MIM, and 60 alumni/students participated in the event.


A place of harmony and fellowship between seniors and juniors


Special Professor Bongsun Kim said in her welcoming speech, “Thank you for attending despite your busy schedule,” adding, "I hope everyone can interact and continue to keep in touch after this event."


Students and alumni moved around the table and talked in a friendly atmosphere. This event boasted the largest number of participants among G-MBA and MIM homecoming days ever. In particular, two graduates, Eric Hegemann (1st class of G-MIM) and Annika Niemann (13th class of G-MBA), came all the way from Germany to Korea to attend the event.


One of the G-MBA students who participated in the event said, "I haven't been able to visit school for a long time due to COVID-19, and I'm happy to see others again like this," adding, "I hope there will be more opportunities to meet and interact with many seniors and juniors."

On this day, the event ended successfully, with all the members and friends gathered together for a photo shoot.
Meanwhile, G-MBA and MIM hold Homecoming Day to provide time for graduates and students to interact together.