“I Challenged Myself with Confidence” - Kyung Hwan Ahn (Business ’11) Passed CPA while Heading KU Ch

2017.12.06 Views 2710 경영대학

“I Challenged Myself with Confidence”
Kyung Hwan Ahn (Business ’11) passed his CPA while heading KU Cheerleading Squad

Q. Could you introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Kyung Hwan Ahn, captain of the cheerleading squad in KU. I passed the CPA whilst heading the cheerleading team. I was named captain in November 2016, and have been so ever since.

Q. Why did you decide to take the CPA?
I started preparation for the CPA when I was doing my military service. I entered the ROK armed forces in November 2013. When I was promoted to corporal I decided I wanted to make my service more meaningful. One of the seniors in the camp recommended doing the CPA and thus, my preparation began in June 2014. I continued on with my studies after being discharged and passed the first round of the CPA in February 2016. After deferral, I passed the second round in June 2017.

Q. It must have been struggle preparing for the CPA in the army. How did you overcome the difficulties?
Frankly, preparing for the CPA in the army was not an easy task. I was assigned to the front line, so it was even more difficult to make time for the exam. In the end, I left the army not having done much preparation.
After discharge, I struggled with managing my schedule. To overcome this problem, I tried rewarding myself after having completed my daily goal. I like sports, so I would watch videos of match highlights at the end of the day.

Q. I heard that the school helped with the preparation.
I was motivated by the others who were preparing for the exam. Having study group sessions with other students was very constructive. We went through most of the materials that were covered in the first stage of the exams. Also, doing mock exams in “Jeongjincho,” a classroom dedicated to candidates preparing for the CPA, was hugely helpful. 
The business studies courses I took eased my understanding of the CPA materials. I remember taking Professor Seok Woo Jeong’s tax accounting and Professor Joon Young Shin’s intermediate accounting lectures. I often sought council from my advisory professor, Hyoung Koo Moon.

Q. I heard that you are the captain of the cheerleading squad. What inspired you to do cheerleading?
I was part of the cheerleading squad from 2011 to 2013. Having taken a gap year, I was impressed by the cheering events in the freshmen welcoming ceremony and orientation. Without a moment of hesitation I applied to the cheerleading squad.  
After my military service, I spent a year in the planning section of the club. When looking back at my time at school, I wanted to contribute to the team because I had gained so much from it. Thus, I applied for the captain position.

Q. Was it not difficult managing your time between your studies and club activity? 
It was a struggle doing both cheerleading and studying. But it was beneficial as well because through cheering, I could relieve my stress that would build over academic work.
It was tiring because I found myself running out of time often, but I persevered with the thought of my future career.

Q. What do you remember the most during your time as the captain?
I cannot forget the results of the annual KU-Yonsei sports competition. I used to imagine what it would be like if KU loses because I thought the disappointment would fall most heavily on the captain. But I was not sad at all when I saw the players who gave their hearts to the games and my fellow squad members.
I always had the notion that winning is important, but that changed after the competition. Regardless of the results, every KU student came together to cheer for their teams and that, itself, was an invaluable experience. I would never forget the day when I stood in front of my 20,000 fellow students.

Q. Could you tell us about your plans for the future?
After this term, I am going on an exchange to Belgium. As the country is the center of transport in Europe, I hope to travel in various places in the continent. After graduation, I intend on working at an accounting firm and become the best accountant in Korea.

Q. Could you give your KU students a word of advice?
I believe I was able to become the captain and pass my CPA because of my confidence. Coming to KUBS allowed me to erect a life signpost. The confidence that derived from being accepted to KUBS naturally flowed into other aspects and helped me become the head of the cheerleading squad and do well on the CPA. I would encourage other students to be confident and have pride in their school life.