Implementation of talent-nurturing KUBS Concentration Track System
The Concentration Track System of Korea University Business School (Dean= Dr. Bae, Johngseok) took effect since last May 1st. KUBS established this system to respond to changes in the times and nurture creative talents that will lead our future society. The purpose is to provide demand-driven education to help students design and implement academic plans in a way that fosters knowledge and strengthens their capabilities in certain fields of study.
The Concentration Track System is composed of three areas: ‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation’, ‘Business Analytics’, and ’Social Value & Sustainability in Business’.
‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ is a track that can foster capabilities as a startup leader with a challenge spirit and problem-solving skills and also as a member of an organization with a sense of sovereignty combined with entrepreneurship. It consists of a curriculum that emphasizes startup, innovation, and collaboration in conjunction with lectures and activities of the KUBS Startup Station.
'Business Analytics' is a track that can foster data-driven decision making capabilities that cover the collection, integration, analysis, and inference of data needed to support a company's rational decision making. It consists of a curriculum that comprehensively learns major processes of Analytics that lead to technical analysis, predictive analysis, and prescriptive analysis.
‘Social Value & Sustainability in Business’ is a track that can foster an understanding of social values, social responsibility and sustainability based on management philosophy and corporate ethics, along with the economic value of pursuing profits. It consists of a curriculum that understands the importance of social values in corporate management and seeks various ways to pursue them.
Depending on the curriculum (accredited courses), a certificate of completion of the track will be issued once the required 18 credits are completed.
Students in the Department of Business Administration (including those who are in Interdisciplinary Studies), and students of intensive major, double major and dual degree programs are eligible for application, and this is also applied to students who have taken the courses prior to the effective date. Certificates are awarded to those who are scheduled to graduate in August 2021 (including candidates) only after going through the deliberation of the concentration track certification.
Article | Management Support Team