
[General][KUBE] Information on recruiting 21st member of Student Ambassador of KUBS(~16:00, August 29th)

2024.08.13 Views 515 홍보팀

Korea University Business School is recruiting 21st student ambassadors ‘KUBE’ for the second semester of 2024.


KUBE는 고려대학교 경영대학의 대내외적 위상을 드높이기 위해 각종 행사를 기획하거나 학교의 공식 행사에 참여합니다.


KUBE plans and participates in various events including official school events to enhance the internal/external status of Korea University Business School. Based on the sense of belonging and pride in the school, any undergraduate students who are interested in developing KUBS’ brand power for 1 year can apply, so please refer to the recruitment announcement below and pay a big attention to the recruiting event.  ▶ KUBE Promotion Video (Click) 



1. Recruiting Overvie


 Planned number of people to recruit  


• About 6 people



 Qualification requirements 


• Undergraduate students who have high passion to school and self-esteem and can work faithfully(Only for Business first major)
• Students who want to actively participate in the planning and implementation of various events for the promotion of KUBS
• Students who can be active during the term of office 2024.09.30~2025.09.29(1 year, including summer and winter vacation)
• Students who can attend regular meetings and irregular meetings once a week from 16:30 to 19:30 every Monday (Must participate without exception. Students who take classes for 6th period on Monday cannot apply.)



  Preferential treatment (fill in the application form) 


• Campus life vlog operator using personal SNS
• A good speaker of foreign languages
• Design editing / video editing ability



 Precautions for application 


• If the term of office(two consecutive semesters) is not completed, the scholarship should be collected and the certificate of activity will not be issued
• You cannot work concurrently with conferences and interns.



2. Recruiting schedule and Applying method


 Online Documents Appliance 


• From 09:00 on Wednesday, August 19th to 16:00 on Thursday, August 29th
※ If you have submitted an application in advance but need to revise or supplement it, you can resubmit the application within the filling period
• Download [KUBE 21기 지원서 양식], complete and send the application to (Download the attached file.)
• Make sure to submit the ‘Application’ and ‘Interview Time Survey Google Form’ together(refer to the interview timetable and link listed in the application form)
• Name the file when sending the application as “[KUBE 21기]이름_학번”(example: [KUBE 21기]홍길동_2024120XXX)




  Announcement of the successful applicants for documents  


• Individual notice in the evening of August 29th (Thursday)





• 8월 30일(금) ~ 8월 31일(토) 오프라인으로 진행 예정

• 지원서와 관련한 심층 면접 진행, 면접 시간은 서류 합격자에 한하여 개별 통지



  A Competency Interview  


• It will be held offline during August 30th(Friday) to August 31st(Saturday)
• In-depth interviews related to application will be conducted, and interview times will be notified individually only to successful applicants



 The Final Successful candidates Announcement 


• September 1st (Sunday) Individual notice of successful applicants
• The announcement of the final successful candidates and detailed training schedules will be notified individually only to the successful candidates.



 OT and Launching ceremony for successful candidates 


• Orientation on 16:30, September 2nd(Monday) and Launching ceremony on 17:30, September 30th(Monday)
• Pass will be cancelled if you do not attend the OT and the Launching ceremony



3. Student Ambassador activities and perks for completion


▶ KUBE PR Video (Click) 


  Key Activies  


• KUBS campus tour and on-campus official event support
• Personnel protocol activity for visits to KUBS
• Planning and conducting regular campus tours / Mentoring programs with teenagers
• Planning and writing SNS contents for KUBS
• Planning and conducting other offline/.online events for KUBS students, such as operating booths during the festival.
• Other activities necessary for the promotion of schools, such as making promotional posters and creating video.



  Benefits   ※ Only for those who have completed activities normally.


• KUBE Scholarship Payment
• Issuance of a certificate of activity under the name of the Dean of the Business School
• Additional points are given when applying for the Business School Exchange students / International internships
• Monetary support for KUBE group activities





• KUBE President 윤제우 010-3854-5825
• KUBE Official Instagram Direct Message @kubs_kube