
[Academic]Registration of Degree Candidated for General Graduate School for 2023-2

2023.08.18 Views 940 일반대학원

★ Registration fees must be paid within the registration period; payment of the registration fee is not possible after the registration period.

★ Students who have failed to pay the registration fee will be ineligible to submit their thesis/dissertation for examination for the semester concerned.

★ Requests for Thesis/Dissertation Examination submitted and received and the degree conferral fee paid will be neither revoked nor returned.

According to the Tuition Deliberation Committee’s decision, the Research Guidance Fee and Degree Conferral Fee for academic year of 2023 are as below table.


Research Guidance Fee

Degree Conferral Fee


7% of the course fee for each degree program

12% of the course fee for each degree program



1. Registered Degree Candidates

A. Based on the registered degree candidate system introduced in 2014 and commencing with the spring semester of 2015, all degree candidates must pay the specified registration fee each semester to maintain their status as “registered degree candidates.”

B. Registration period is same as the regular students’ payment period. Degree candidates who have completed the registration process will obtain the registration status of “Registered Degree Candidate (Enrolled)” after the expiration of the registration period.


2. Course completed (Research guidance) Fee (7% of the course fee for each degree program)

A. Anticipated Payers: Course completed students and expected course completed students

Note: Not applicable to enrolled students and permanent degree candidates

    B. Payment period: August 22 – 29, 2023 16:00 (KST)  

  * In case of international students who completed their course, they MUST complete to pay the course completed (Research guidance) Fee during the above designated period to stay in Korea for Fall 2023.

   * Registration must be made within the designated period (strict adherence required).

   * Registered degree candidates are guaranteed the use of school facilities (including libraries and blackboard).


3. Payment of Degree Conferral Fee (12% of the course fee for each degree program)

A. Anticipated Payers: Degree candidates who have requested thesis/dissertation examination online must pay the degree conferral fee (mandatory).

B. Degree Conferral Fee:

  (1) 7% of the course fee for each degree program

  (2) In case those students who paid the Course completed (Research guidance), they pay 5% of the course fee for each degree program additionally


Degree Candidate Registration for Research Guidance during the Regular Registration Period

Payment Period for Degree Conferral Fee

7% of the course fee

Students who have made payment

Must additionally pay 5% of the course fee

Students who have failed to make payment

Registration for research guidance

(7% of the course fee) + 5% of the course fee


C. If the course completed students would like to apply for the thesis/dissertation examination for Fall 2023, he/she must register for Fall 2023 semester. And the students can print out the tuition bill with 12% fee after submission of online application for the thesis/dissertation examination.

   1) Online application period for thesis/dissertation examination: October 16 – 20, 2023 16:00 (KST) (Subject to change)

     2) How to: KUPID → Registration/Graduation → Evaluation of Thesis (Master & Doctor)

     3) Payment period of Degree Conferral Fee: November 1 – 3, 2023 16:00 (KST) (Subject to change)


4. Registration for students who became degree candidates before 2014 and have already paid the degree conferral fee

  A. Semester for Thesis/Dissertation Examination

    - Students who became degree candidates before 2014, have already paid the degree conferral fee and who have requested thesis/dissertation examination online will still receive a bill for the degree conferral fee indicating that the amount to be paid is KRW 0.

* Upon printing the bill, students must personally visit KEB Hana Bank with the printed bill and complete the payment process with the bank.

- Students intending to request re-examination of their thesis/dissertation (after failing to pass the thesis/dissertation examination in the previous semester) must again pay the degree conferral fee for such re-examination.

B. Semesters Other than the Semester for Thesis/Dissertation Examination: 7% of the course fee for each degree program
