
[Scholarship]Spring 2023 Application for KUBS Dream Scholarship (4.10~4.17) - Second Round

2023.04.07 Views 1871 학부

Spring 2023 Application for KUBS Dream Scholarship (4.10~4.17) - Second Round



※ Dream Scholarship is a living-fee scholarship.


Eligibility: Business School Student who register 2023 Spring semester
(If you already received living fee scholarship more than 3,000,000KRW, you are automatically rejected from the evaluation.)

Necessary documents:

1. Online Application (including the agreement to collect to use personal information)
2. Family relation certificate
3. Bank statement (shows all remittance from your country in 2023 Fall semester)
4. Confirmation of disease (for whom possible only / including a family member)
5. Etc (Any documents that can prove your economic situation including the prof's letter)
: Salary Certificate, Unemployment certificate


All documents must be submitted in both original and translated versions.

All documents must be either in Korean or English only. 


Application period : April 10 ~ April 17 (April 18, 0:00 closed)


Online application: - undergradate - Scholarship - KUBS Dream Scholarship  - application - apply
Access to ☞

Application click > Apply click > Log in > Fill out all section and attach the documents > Submit


* If you are unable to log in KUBS website : the letter like #@!& is in your password.
how to fix : KUPID log in > change your password (only composed with alphabet and number) > KUBS website log in


Students can edit their application during the application period by 0:00 AM of the April 18. 
Press [Submit] even after temporarily saving your application.

Things to consider:

1. If you already received living fee scholarship more than 3,000,000 KRW, you are automatically rejected from the evlauation.

2. Please write about why you need to receive a scholarship. If the reason for applying for a scholarship is the same as the previous semester, it may be excluded from the screening. (Do not copy and paste the application.)
If you take a leave of absence during the semester, you must pay back the scholarship.

3. We only accept online applications. However, If you have any problems with save/submit/log-in of the application form, please send email to ''.

If you don't have any problem with 'submit' of application form, you don't need to send it via email again.

Contact: 02-3290-1301,2701 /
