
[International][Exchange] Guidelines and Selection Schedules for Fall 2023 Student Exchange Program(slot ~1/6 updat

2022.12.14 Views 3017 국제실

Guidelines and Selection Schedules for Fall 2023
Outbound Student Exchange Program


★★★ 1/6 Slot updated_Stockholm ★★★
★★★ 1/5 Slot (2nd) updated_Mahidol, Southampton, Georgia State, Hofstra, South Carolina, Xavier, FPT ★★★

★★★ 1/5 Slot updated_EM Strasbourg ★★★
★★★ 1/4 Slot updated_Melbourne, Chile, Fudan, Peking, FPT, Chulalongkorn ★★★
★★★ 12/27 Slot updated_USC ★★★


* The required documents have to submit all online.

** ‘Slot & Requirements’ will be attached to this page after the Information Session.
Please check this page on a regular basis for the updates of the exchange slot

*** Please apply for this program after fully understanding the school you have interests in (refer to the factsheet from the webpage of the host university).

**** The interview will be conducted online using Zoom. Detailed notices regarding the interview will be sent via email after the application deadline.



[Selection Schedule]



Information Session

Date: Dec 22th (Thu) 2022, 14:00~

will be held online by Zoom

Online application

Date: Jan 5th (Thu) – Jan 8h (Sun); 23:59 AM
* Apply online by clicking the “교환학생 지원하기” on the KUBS website (only available on the Korean website)" 

**All documents must be submitted online.

  After the submission deadline, we will request offline submission only if necessary. Please make sure you have the original copy.


Date: Jan 12th (Thu), Jan 13th (Fri) 

will be held online by Zoom

If a schedule change occurs, further notice will be delivered

*Interview-related information will be delivered to the applicants who have submitted application documents.

Orientation Session for Preliminary Successful Applicants

Date: Feb 9th (Thu) expected

Details are to be announced.

1. Eligibility: KUBS students (dual degree and undeclared majors included)
    * KUBS students who are interested in KUBS Outbound Student Exchange Program
    ** Students who wish to study abroad in Fall 2023
2. Qualifications
A. Student whose cumulative GPA is 3.0 or above for the two recent semesters (summer, winter semester, leave of absence ared excluded)
(However, student in the dual degree program must complete 12 credit hours of Business Administration courses, and a cumulative GPA in those courses must be 3.0 or above -- eligible to apply with one semester)
B. Graduate student (MBA students included) whose cumulative GPA is 3.0 or above. (S)he cannot study abroad in their last semester
C. KUBS transfer student who has completed two or more semesters at KU. 
(Students from a different campus must complete two semesters at KU Anam Campus)
D. Student who meets the qualifications above are eligible to apply (student on leave of absence or in dual degree program included); 

E. MBA student with grades of at least 1 semester (more than two modules) (average just above 3.0)

F. KMBA student can be dispatched in the fourth semester, but registration is required for at least one additional semester (for more information, contact KMBA staff)

※ TOFEL iBT/IELTS score is required only if a host university requests for it (host universities that request TOFEL iBT/IELTS score will be indicated on the List of Host Universities, which will be uploaded later). Basic points will be given to applicants who do not need to submit TOFEL iBT/IELTS score.

※ For the international students, please refer to attachment below [안내]해외파견 프로그램에 참가하는 외국인 학생을 위한 출입국 안내(outbound)_한영.


[Documents to Submit]
1. Fill out the”교환학생 온라인 지원서” online and submit a scanned copy of the following items.
2. Copy of your passport (Your English name on passport, certificate of enrollment, and transcript must be the same)

** Expiration date of your passport must be after June 2024! (Must valid for at least 6 months after your exchange program ends)
(Please extend or renew your passport if the expiration date of your passport does not satisfy the period above. You may submit the receipt for your passport renewal. However, the final copy of your passport must be submitted by the day of the interview)
3. Certificate of Enrollment in English (only official certificate issued by One-stop Service Center can be accepted)

** If the student is on leave of absence at the time of application, submit a certificate of leave of absence(English version)
4. Transcript in English for external use

** Must submit the issued copy within 2 weeks

5. Official score report for TOFEL iBT/IELTS (corresponding students only)
(If an official score report is unavailable, screenshot your score on the website and submit it; however, you must submit your official score report before the day of the interview. Please note that some universities request your score to be valid until the first day of the exchange program (e.g. U.S.A.)
6. Statement of Purpose in English (two pages max on an A4 sheet; download from KUBS website Undergraduate -> International Programs -> Application Process)
    A. Statement of Purpose
    B. Study Plan & Future Plans
    C. Leadership & Social Skills
7. English Resume (one page max on an A4 sheet; download from KUBS website Undergraduate -> International Programs -> Application Process)
8. Certificate for each on/off campus activity (You may submit official copy or bring it to the office for approval)


[Selection Criteria]
1. Application (40%)
    1) Cumulative GPA of two most recent semesters (summer/winter semester excluded) (25%)
    2) English Proficiency Test Score (TOEFL/IELTS) (15%)
2. Interview (60%): Statement of Purpose and Resume will be reflected during the interview
    1) Interview in Korean (30%)
    2) Interview in English (30%)

※ Interview in Korean and English is mandatory for all applicants (including international students), if you do not take the interviews, you cannot be selected.


[Maximum Number of Host Universities Available for Application]
1. Students may apply for a maximum of 5 host universities (can apply 5 English-speaking host universities)

2. Students who have previously studies abroad can re-apply to the previous nominated school or previous nominated country. (allowed from the Fall semester of 2023)


[Exchange Period]
1. One semester
2. Students studying abroad CAN extend their exchange program
(Students must submit a letter of recommendation or approval from the host university; may extend their stay up to one year)


[Selection Criteria for Former Exchange Student]
1. Students who have previously studied abroad as an exchange students will be nominated after the 1st round
2. Students who have cancelled their exchange program after the nomination confirmation will not be selected
    ※ If one has a reasonable excuse, (s)he will be placed as a last candidate of the exchange program

3. Students who have previously studied abroad through exchange program MUST go through the same application process.


[Additional Notes]
1. Student who have been suspended, reprimanded, or on academic probation last semester will be penalized
2. An automatic drop-out will occur if students provide wrong information, counterfeit certificates, or reject to submit documents

3. Students cannot apply for the exchange program at Korea University’s Office of International Affairs and KUBS at the same time
(You must withdraw the KU exchange program in order to apply for the KUBS exchange program)
4. For the recipients of KUBS Freshmen Special Scholarship, scholarship will be granted based on their GPA for the recent semester
 ex) first semester at KU, second semester at host university; scholarship for the third semester will be given based on one’s first semester at KU

[Announcement of Successful Applicants] *Date and time can be changed

Jan 19 (Thu)

Announcement of Successful Applicants (expected; date may change)

Jan 19 (Thu)– Jan 20 (Fri)

Online nomination confirmation
(an automatic drop-out will occur if students do not confirm)

Jan 26 (Thu)

Notice of 2nd Round

Jan 26 (Thu)– Jan 27 (Fri)

Application for 2nd Round (please note that you cannot cancel your exchange program if you are applying for the 2nd Round. Thus, if there is no host university you wish to study, please do not apply)

Jan 30 (Mon)

Announcement of Successful Applicants for 2nd Round (expected; date may change)


for further inquiries, please contact