
[Academic]2021-2 Grade Posting Schedule

2021.12.07 Views 1271 학부

Fall 2021 Grade Posting Schedule


1. Grade Input and Revision

Due Dates for Grade

Dec. 15 09:00 ~ Dec. 29 08:30

Grade Open to Students and Revision

Dec. 29 10:00 ~ Jan. 5 17:00

Grade Confirmation

Jan. 6 11:00

Repeated Course Selective Deletion

Jan. 10 11:00


2. Notice

1) Students who complete online course evaluation for all courses in which they enrolled for the semester have access to their preliminary grades. (Course evaluation will be shortly closed on Dec 29 10:00-17:00 to improve the quality)

Students enrolled in departments where safety training is required are restricted from viewing their grades during the grade revision period if they fail to complete the safety training by two weeks prior to the grade access date. However, if students complete the safety training during the grade revision period, they may access their preliminary grades from 11 o’clock on the day(Weekend excluded) after they complete the safety training.


2) Grade Review URL :


3) Log into Grade Review System

KU students - ID : Student Number, Password : KUPID password

Domestic exchange student

- ID : Temporary KU student number

- Password : 7 final digits of your Resident Registration Number


4) Grade "I" will be switched to "F" the day after Grade Confirmation. If you have inquiries regarding your grade(s), you should contact a professor or instructor during the ‘Grade Revision Period’.


5) If you repeated a course, please check the course again on the Course registration menu at [KUPID>Go to Class>]. If you find any mistakes in the course registration, you are kindly asked to report it to your affiliated college/school by Dec 14.


6) If you repeated a course, the former grade will be erased through a screening procedure after the Grade Confirmation. You can check your new grade for this session after Jan 10 12:00.


7) Pursuant to Articles 5, 6 and 7 of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, student requests done directly (or through a third party) face to face (or online) to faculty members and instructors to alter grades (either upward or downward) without an error in grading, constitute improper solicitation. Faculty members and instructors receiving the same improper solicitation for a second time are obligated to report to the college/school. You are kindly but firmly advised not to make requests to change grade(s). You may, however, request a faculty member or instructor to reconfirm your grade(s).



2021. 12.


Office of Academic Affairs

