
[Academic]Guidelines for Entering the 2022-1 The MS/PhD Integrated Program

2021.11.18 Views 748 국제실

Guidelines for Entering the 2022-1 The MS/PhD Integrated Program 
Ⅰ. General Plan

1. Majors/Departments Applicable



Collaboration Program





Business Administration


Leberal Arts



Life Sciences&Biotechnology


Political Science and Ecnonomics












Health Science






total 13 schools

total 43 majors

total 4 programs


2. The Maximum number of Selectees
    The maximum number of selectees will be determined within the number of vacancies of the 2020 and 2021 Ph.D candidates due to absent selectees, and those who dropped out.

3. Eligibility
A. Those who are to enter the 3rd semester of the Integrated Program should be selected from KU graduate students who have finished (or expected to finish) their second semester (Including semester at transferred school), and earned (or expected to earn) at least 12 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.5
B. Those who are to enter the 4th semester of the Integrated Program should be selected from KU graduate students who have finished (or expected to finish) their third semester (Including semester at transferred school), and earned (or expected to earn) at least 18 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.5
   ※ However, graduate students who completed (or are expected to complete) their semesters are ineligible to apply, and for those applying for ‘A’ and ‘B,’ the Department of Sociology, International Relations and Politics, and Education must have a minimum GPA of 4.0,
      ’Department of Biotechnology, Life Science, Bio systems & Biotechnology, Integrated Biomedical and Life Science must have a minimum GPA of 3.8
C. Full-Time Graduate School students (Including Academic-Industrial Cooperation)
D. Those who were recommended by an academic advisor 
E. If those who are expected to enter the Integrated Program of either A or B become ineligible after confirmation of GPA (Completed semesters/credits, GPA), admission is cancelled.
※ Matters to be attended to:
① In the case of ‘Department of Education,’ those who hold a TOEFL score of 81 or higher is eligible to apply, in addition to requirements A~D.
② Only the identical department and major is applicable.  
Those who were admitted outside the maximum class size (foreigners, military commission, North Korean defectors) are not eligible to apply.
4. Required Documents
A. Form of application
B. Undergraduate/Graduate Transcript
※ Department of Economics and Statistics: Only Graduate Transcript is required.
C. Research Proposal
D. A Letter of Recommendation from Academic Advisor
E. Thesis or Research Results
F. Copy of transcript of foreign language exam from an authorized agency (*Mandatory to check it against the original when submitting)
※ Matters to be attended to
① Mandatory Documents : ‘A’ ~ ‘D’
In the case of ‘Department of Education’ applicants, TOEFL transcript is an additional mandatory document.
② Documents of choice: ‘E’ and ‘F’
5. Screening Process
: Document Screening Process and Oral Test
In the case of Department of Sociology, A written test is held instead of an oral test.
The Department of Economics, Statistics, and Mathematics hold only a document screening process.

6. Application Process
A. Application Date : 2021.  11.  29 (Mon) ~  12. 01 (Wed) 09:00~17:00
B. Where to Apply: KUBS Graduate School Administration Office (KUBS Main Building 304)
C. Cost of Application : 80,000
D. Account KEB Hana Bank 391-910010-71604 Korea University (Example of depositor name Hong Gil-Dong Business)
E. Attach Receipt when submitting application
7. Date of Screening (Different Depending on College and Major)
2021. 12. 16 (Thu) ~ 12. 17 (Fri) 
※ Notice will be posted online, each departments’ administration office will provide guidelines
8. Announcement of Successful Applicants
2021. 01. 28 (Fri)
※ Will be notified online in each departments’ homepage
9.  Please call the administration office of each department for further details
