
[Academic] Announcement on 2022 application for changing majors within campus (Seoul campus)

2021.09.13 Views 1446 국제실

9월에 공고된 전과 전형 요강 중 다음 내용이 수정되었습니다. 그 외 사항은 동일합니다. 

2021.11.05 수정

오늘 오후에 발생 되었던 포털 전산 시스템 오류(12:30∼13:30)로 인해 '2022학년도 캠퍼스 내 전과 전형 신청 시간'을 아래와 같이 연장하게 되었습니다.

○ 변경 전 전과 전형 신청 기간: 2021. 11. 1(월) 10:00 ~ 11. 5(금) 17:00
○ 변경 후 전과 전형 신청 기간: 2021. 11. 1(월) 10:00 ~ 11. 5(금) 18:00  (1시간 연장) 

2021.10.26 수정

○ 사범대학과 간호대학의 결손인원을 반영한 전입 선발 인원 확정.(전형 요강 2쪽에서 확인) 

2021.10.21 수정

○ '전과 사유 및 학업계획서) 입력 글자 수: 각각 2,000자 이내 → 각각 1,500자 이내 

○ 사범대학과 간호대학의 결손인원을 반영한 전입 선발 인원 공고: 10월 27일(수) 공고 예정



Announcement on 2022 application for changing majors within campus (Seoul campus)


*Related regulations

- 「Regulations on Academic Affairs」 Article 21, Paragraph 2

- 「Bylaws on changing majors within campus」

- College · department rules on changing majors


  1. Eligibility for changing majors: All Seoul campus enrolled students who satisfy conditions A and B (students on leave of absence are also eligible)
  1. Requirements for all students
  1. Newly enrolled students who satisfy conditions for sophomore* and over, described in 「Regulations on Academic Affairs」 Article 35, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph 2

*Sophomore: Students who have registered three or more times and completed between 34(36) to 67(71) credits

  1. Those who have enrolled in between three to six semesters (excluding Summer/Winter session)
  • Those in their 7th semester are not eligible to change majors
  • Number of semesters is calculated as the number of times registered. Registered semesters without any earned credits are included in the number of semesters
  1. Those who have completed at least 9 credits of their current major/department
  2. Those who have a GPA of 2.00 or higher
  • ‘GPA’ includes grades that have been deleted by course re-registration, F grades, and summer/winter session grades and are not GPA for transcript
  1. Those who have satisfied the requirements of current major/department and desired major/department
  1. How to apply
    1. Application period: 2021.11.1(Mon) 10:00 ~ 11.5 (Fri) 18:00
    2. How to apply: Portal(KUPID) – [Registration/Graduation] – [University Registration] – [Application to change majors within campus]
  1. Select desired major to apply to
  2. Enter reason for changing majors and a statement of purpose (each within 1500 letters
  3. Click ‘Temporarily save’
  4. Check application details and click ‘Submit’
    1. The college will provide GPA information
    2. No application fee
    3. Only those who completed their application before the final deadline (2021.11.5 (Fri) 17:00) will be evaluated
  1. Application timeline




Announcement of candidates eligible to transfer-out

2021. 11. 19(Fri) 17:00

- Individually check the portal (KUPID)

- Portal (KUPID) > Registration/Graduation > University Registration > Application to change majors within campus

Interview / Examination for transferring-in candidates

2021. 11. 24.(Wed)  ~ 11.


- Only departments/majors that implement interviews/exams other than document examination

Announcement of final successful applicants

2021. 12. 17.(Fri) 17:00

- Individually check the portal (KUPID)

- Portal (KUPID) > Registration/Graduation > University Registration > Application to change majors within campus


  1. Note for applicants
    1. Students who do not qualify conditions for transferring in and out are disqualified.
    2. Approval to change majors are granted only once while attending, and students may not return to their previous major/department after receiving approval to change majors.
    3. If students who are in the teaching profession curriculum change majors, they will be disqualified of their teaching profession curriculum (1st and 2nd major) and will not be able to reapply for it in their changed major.
    4. Students should follow the academic curriculum and graduation requirements of the transferred-in major/department once the transferring is completed.
  2. Other announcements

- For details, please refer to the attached file 「2022 application guideline for changing majors within campus (Seoul campus)」.

- For details related to eligibility and evaluation process of current and desired majors/departments, please inquire the according administration offices.


September 7th, 2021

Educational Affairs Team of the Office of Academic Affairs