
[Academic]2021-2 Combined Bachelor`s/Master`s Degree Programs application guidelines

2021.05.07 Views 2073 국제실

2021-2 Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Programs application guidelines


1. Applicable majors and Application requirements by major

*Enrolled Korea University Undergraduate students.

※Students other than those receiving GKS(Korean Government invited) scholarship or those in military commission may apply to “outside the quota”



Major Selectees GPA Credits Enrolled semesters

Limitations by

Undergraduate major

Other Requirements

Extra credit

for major

KUBS Business Administration

Seoul Campus Master's Degree (Within 10% of class size)




45 credits



At least four semesters - - -

※ For students enrolled in majors other than business administration, please refer to the attached application guidelines

※ Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Programs applicants should have at least one remaining semester after being accepted to apply.

※ Students majoring in Chinese/Japanese language and literature, Chinese literature or Chinese studies must have a certificate of new HSK level 6 to apply

※ Applicants from City Regeneration program follow regulations for the Department of Architecture

※ International Business has been integrated with undergraduate international business major, and BA majors are not recruited.


2. Required Documents

A. Form of Application

B. Transcript

C. Research Proposal


3. Screening Process

Document screening and oral test (conducted by major)


4. Application Process

A. Application Date: 2021.05.31 (Mon) ~ 2021.06.02 (Wed) 9:00~17:00

B. Where to apply: Administration Office of Affiliated College

C. Application fee: KRW 80,000

D. Account: KEB Hana Bank 391-910010-71604 Korea University  

    (Example of depositor name: 학석사홍길동국문 - “학석사”+”Name”+”Major”)

E. Attach receipt when submitting application


5. Application screening date and Announcement of Successful Applicants

A. Screening date: 2021.06.17 (Thu) ~ 2021.06.18 (Fri)

※ Each administrative office will provide guidelines when applying

B. Announcement of Successful Applicants: 2021.07.30 (Fri)  <*Expected>

※ Announced by administrative office and Graduate School website


6. Benefits

A. Reduction of terms of student: - undergraduate 1 semester (early graduation)

The average GPA of early graduates who were accepted to the Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Programs is 4.0.

- Graduate school 1 semester (Only applicable when Master’s Degree GPA is 4.0 or above)

B. Scholarship benefits

: “Exemption of first semester tuition and entrance fee” for early graduating undergraduates(GPA 4.0) entering their Master’s Degree

* Early graduation is subject to the undergraduate graduation requirements.

C. Prioritized recommendation when applying for MS/PhD Integrated Program

For College of Engineering, those in their Master’s degree and applying for MS/PhD Integrated Program are recommended first


7. Graduate school course and entrance terms

A. Taking Graduate school courses

1) Successful Applicants must take at least 3 additional graduate course credits starting from their first semester after being accepted, and must take 6 credits in total before graduating and receiving their bachelor’s degree.

             However, graduate school courses are only recognized as Master’s degree credits.

※ Students may register for graduate school courses after consulting the academic advisor.

2) Students of the College of Engineering must take a total of 6 graduate course credits in their 7th semester (9th semester for Department of Architecture).

B. Entrance terms

1) Students eligible for graduating and qualifying for extra entrance terms required by each(GPA of 3.5 or above) major can enter the Master’s degree program.

*Majors specifying GPA requirements

2) When a student intends to enter the master’s program, he or she must submit the ‘letter of recommendation for entering the master’s program’ to their respective administrative office within 20 days after the start of the semester prior to entering the master’s program (the last semester as an undergraduate).

※ Entering the master’s course without receiving a letter of recommendation from the academic advisor(master’s program) is not possible, and students who applied for early graduation must submit the application from of early graduation to their respective administrative office at the beginning of their 7th semester.