
[Academic]Introduction to New Major Courses

2021.03.03 Views 1775 학부

KUBS will offer the following new major courses in 2021.


1) Financial Analytics (BUSS302) - offered in Spring 2021

- Course Overview: 

This course is primarily designed for students who are knowledgeable on tools provided in Business Analytics 1 and have interests in their application to financial market analysis. The most important objective of the course is for students to get hands-on experience in mapping finance/statistical theory into data.


2) Social Value & Sustainability in Business (BUSS202) - offered in Spring 2021

- Course Overview: 

This course discusses the meaning and importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR)/social values (CSV) and sustainablility in business. It also introduces real life cases in CSR/CSV activities to understand and seek improvement of the changes in our society that social values and sustainability management will bring into. In addition, based on CSV, CSR, and business ethics, this course provides opportunities for students to seek ways to create a social innovation ecosystem where large and small companies, for-profit and social enterprises, and theorists and practitioners collaborate.

3) Strategic Technology Commercialization (BUSS306) - offered in Spring 2021

- Course Overview: 

This course covers the entire process of strategic technology commercialization that consists of identifying the lucrative technology opportunity, developing non-existent customers and subsequent target markets, and developing business models, feasibility study, risk factor analysis, startup valuation, and financial planning. The final team project requires students to team up with fellow students with heterogeneous resources to develop a full business plan.


- Note:

If you have taken 'Topic Course(BUSS003)' with the same topic (전략적기술사업화, Strategic Technology Commercialization) as this course, you can not take BUSS306.


4) Social Value Project (BUSS301) - to be offered in Fall 2021

- Course Overview: 

The objective of this course is to design and study business models that create social value. Especially in the process of developing the project, the students themselves utilize their knowledge from business major courses to embody business ideas based on social value. Also, in cooperation with team members, students can try to come up with a solution to urgent social issues of our time. In the process, future business leaders can have a chance to learn and practice ethical leadership.


- Note:

The students who can take this course will be selected in spring semester. Further notice will be posted on KUBS homepage in mid March. Kindly refer to the notice '2021 사회적가치 연구 공모전 선발 안내'.


5) Artificial Intelligence for Business (BUSS305) - to be offered in Fall 2021

- Course Overview:

The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to up-to-date AI applications and the related business topics. The course will cover general concepts in the data science and artificial intelligence fields, along with widely-accepted machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The focus will be on how the techniques are to be used in answering the business problems, and the details of the methodologies will be covered only to the extent necessary to understand when and how each technique can be used in the modern business context. Students will also acquire experience using software tools. This course will focus on the use of R software, which is the most popular data analytics tool in modern businesses.
