Plans for conducting classes after May 4th
1. Instruction method after May 4 : Final decision will be determined according to the government's quarantine guidelines for COVID-19
1) Physically-attended classes may begin if the government's quarantine guidelines authorize, before May 4, a transition to a normalized quarantine system.
2) If the current social distancing policy continues, conducting online lectures for the entire semester will be considered.
3) The final decision will be deliberated by the Academic Affairs Committee on April 22 with an announcement of the decision following immediately.
4) Online classes may be conducted for the entire semester even if physically-attended classes are authorized. (It requires submission of the application by the professor and approval by the school)
2. Mid-term exams : Substituting in-class examinations with an assignment submission and not administering a test is recommended.
1) Online testing is possible under the premise that fairness is ensured; in-class testing is not allowed.
2) Assignment submission only replaces 1/2 of the weekly class hours.
3) Classes must be conducted during the testing period for subjects that do not administer a midterm exam.
4) Reinforcement classes must be conducted for holiday closure days prior to and following the mid-term exam.
3. Lab training classes : If the government’s policy transitions to a normalized quarantine system after May 4, physically-attended classes shall be conducted.
1) If weekly class hours have been satisfied through online lectures, etc., the remaining hours can be conducted in the form of physically-attended classes.
2) For those lectures that have been postponed in anticipation of the commencement of physically-attended classes, the professor in charge may opt, in consultation with the students, to satisfy the class hour requirement in the form of either ① concentrated completion during the semester or ② concentrated completion at the end of the semester.
3) Concentrated completion period during the semester : twice the number of classes per week must be ensured during the remainder of the semester.
4) Concentrated completion period following the end of semester : 2 weeks (6. 29. - 7. 11.) following the end of semester (6. 27.). The deadline for finalizing grading is extended by 3 days from the original date of 7. 14. to 7. 17.
5) If enforcement of the social distancing policy continues, lab training classes, as a rule, will also be conducted online.
- For classes that cannot be offered online, limited physically-attended classes will be conducted according to options 1), 2), and 3) above.
4. Grade evaluation: Converting all courses conducted this semester to absolute evaluation is recommended.
1) The default grading evaluation within the system for all courses is scheduled to be universally set to absolute evaluation.
2) For courses that must maintain relative evaluation, grades can be assigned according to the relative evaluation ratios.
3) Courses that were not designated as subject to P/F evaluation at the time the course was opened cannot subsequently switch to P/F evaluation during the semester.
4) In order to reflect the attendance scores of online classes, with consideration to the computational infrastructure environment, requests have been made to the institutions that opened the classes to flexibly apply the results for this semester only.
5. The school will do its utmost to improve the quality of online lectures and facilitate communication between professors and students.
Vice President for Academic Affairs