Businessweek Report on Globalization Progress of KUBS

2009.06.10 Views 2342 경영대학

KUBS Dean Jang Hasung’s interview and related articles featured online

Businessweek, a US weekly business magazine, introduced the globalization strategies of Korean business schools and highlighted the progress of KUBS. Businessweek focused on analyzing KUBS’s globalization efforts by featuring Dean Jang Hasung’s online interview on May 5th and introducing Korea’s major business schools on the 8th.

In the interview Dean Jang commented “As part of our globalization efforts we are delivering more than 60% of our undergraduate classes and 100% of our three MBA programs in English. We are taking about 300 international students annually either as a regular student or an exchange student into our school. So the campus itself has become an international campus. We are promoting two-way globalization by placing the international students coming to us as interns in domestic Korean market.

He continued to say “With the center of gravity in the global economy shifting to Asia, multinational companies rooted in Asia are increasingly demanding for more talent. In the past, the top management was trained mostly by North American and European business schools but now Asian business schools are sharing this role.”

He went on to introduce the S3 Asia MBA. “S3 Asia MBA, a Dual Degree MBA connecting the three countries of Korea, Singapore and China provides a window to Asia and the world. The program provides great opportunities to those talents who wish to broaden their network and gain work-experience in Asian companies.”

Businessweek reported that KUBS was at the vanguard of the globalization movement by receiving international accreditation and promoting active student exchanges with foreign universities.