Lazard 아시시 부타니 회장 오늘 특강

2007.04.19 Views 1967 정혜림

미국의 자산운용회사인 Lazard Asset Management의 최고경영자 Ashish Bhutani (사진)이 고려대학교를 경영대학을 방문, 특별강연을 한다. 4월 23일(월) 오후 5시부터   LG-POSCO 경영관 432호실 (임선희) 

Lazard Asset Management는 1848년에 설립된 라자드 투자은행의 자회사로 전 세계를 무대로 자산을 운용하고 있다.  그 규모가  2007년 4월현재 977억 달러에  이른다. 국제 투자은행(IB)  M&A 주간사 업무 수주 세계 10위권(2007년 1분기 기준)에 올랐다. 
 다음은 라자드 홈페이지의 자사 소개문   
 Lazard is a preeminent international financial advisory and asset management firm that has long specialized in crafting solutions to the complex financial and strategic challenges of our clients. We serve a diverse set of clients around the world, including corporations, partnerships, institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. We believe that what sets us apart is our dedication to: 
-Competing on the basis of our intellectual (rather than financial) capital, which is personified by our team of highly skilled professionals.
-Demanding excellence and superior quality in all that we do,
-Cultivating long-term, senior-level relationships with clients, through deep roots in local markets, 
-Linking together our local offices through a global network of industry expertise,
-Remaining focused on our chosen lines of business to provide the highest degree of expertise and continuous innovation,
-Emphasizing our tradition of integrity in all our dealings, and
-Offering independent, trusted and unbiased advice. 
Founded in New Orleans in 1848, Lazard expanded shortly thereafter to provision the needs of the California gold rush, and eventually evolved its business exclusively into financial services. Having united the historical New York, Paris and London “Houses” of Lazard under Lazard LLC in 2000, we operate today from 29 cities in key business and financial centers across 16 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and South America.

라자드는  우리나라의 국민연금관리공단으로부터도  신흥시장 투자펀드를 운용할 해외위탁회사로 선정되어있기도 하다. 

 고려대학교 경영대학은 지난 2006년 인턴십을 인연으로  Lazard Asset Management와 협력관계를 맺게 됐고 올해에도 2명이 파견될 예정이다 

 미국 자산 운용사인 라자드 애셋 매니지먼트의 경영진. 사진은 아시시 부타니 라자드 회장 겸 최고경영자(CEO)(왼쪽 세번째), 존 리 라자드 KCGF 펀드 담당 매니저 겸 이사(왼쪽 첫번째), 존 R.라인스버그 라자드 부회장(왼쪽 네번째)./사진 연합뉴스 

Ashish Bhutani 
Chief Executive Officer 

Ashish Bhutani has served as Chief Executive Officer of Lazard Asset Management since March 2004 and previously served as Head of New Products and Strategic Planning June 2003 to March 2004. Prior to joining Lazard, he was Co-Chief Executive Officer North America of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein from 2001 to end of 2002, and was a member of its Global Corporate and Markets Board, and a member of the Global Executive Committee. Ashish was with Wasserstein Perella Group (the predecessor firm) from 1989 to 2001, where he was Deputy Chairman of Wasserstein Perella Group and Chief Executive Officer of Wasserstein Perella Securities. Ashish began his career at Salomon Brothers in 1985 where he was a Vice President in Fixed Income. 
라자드의 역사 

  Our origins date back to 1848, when our founders, the Lazard brothers, formed Lazard Frères & Co. as a dry goods business in New Orleans, Louisiana, with a combined contribution of $9,000. Shortly thereafter, the Lazard brothers moved to the gold rush town of San Francisco, California, where they opened a business selling imported goods and exporting gold bullion. The business progressively became involved in financial transactions, first with its retail clients and then increasingly with commercial clients. Over time, the business expanded into the banking and foreign exchange businesses. 
Seeking to expand operations to Europe, the Lazard brothers opened offices in Paris and London in 1852 and 1870, respectively. By 1876, Lazard’s businesses had become solely focused on providing financial services. In 1880, Alexander Weill, the founding brothers’ cousin, assumed control of Lazard. 

The Houses of Lazard
Through the early and mid-twentieth century, the three Lazard "Houses" in London, Paris and New York continued to grow their respective operations independently of each other, with the New York House coming under the leadership of André Meyer in 1944. Under Mr. Meyer and continuing with Felix Rohatyn, the New York House further developed its reputation as a preeminent mergers and acquisitions advisory firm. Michel David-Weill, a descendant of the founding families, joined Lazard Frères et Cie. in Paris in 1956, ascended to a leadership role within the French operations and later moved to the New York House, where he became senior partner in 1977. 
Lazard has conducted an asset management business in Paris since 1969, establishing a separate subsidiary, Lazard Frères Gestion, for those operations in 1995. In 1970, the New York House entered the institutional asset management business by establishing Lazard Asset Management to complement its financial advisory business. 
Throughout the twentieth century, Lazard’s Paris and New York Houses were owned by the Houses’ individual partners and by relations of their founders. For much of that period, the London House was majority-owned by Pearson plc, until the sale in 2000 by Pearson of its interests to a predecessor of Eurazeo S.A. 

Global Unification
The unification of the Houses of Lazard under a single global firm was completed on January 3, 2000, with their merger to form Lazard LLC. We believe that this combination has enabled us to offer our clients the benefits of a more unified global firm while preserving the advantages of our century-old, local roots. Bruce Wasserstein joined Lazard in early 2002 as Head of Lazard. Under Mr. Wasserstein’s direction, Lazard has pursued a strategy of growing its Financial Advisory and Asset Management businesses by attracting senior investment bankers and investment advisory professionals to our firm. 
Lazard’s history as a preeminent financial advisor has contributed to its ability to secure key advisory roles in some of the most important, complex and recognizable mergers and acquisitions of the last 75 years. In recent years, we have advised on nearly 1,000 completed mergers and acquisitions, having a cumulative value in excess of $1 trillion. 
Lazard has also advised on some of the largest and highest-profile corporate restructurings around the world. Since 1999, we have advised on more than 100 in- and out-of-court restructurings totaling over $300 billion of debt.