KUBS showed splendid result in employment

2006.08.15 Views 2744 경영대학

Even in situation of massive unemployment getting worse these days, the percentage of employment among the college graduates of KUBS and other Korean prestige universities and its colleges showed a favorable trend now and then.
These college graduates are in the limelight as prestige products preferably in this massive unemployment of these days. 120KUBS graduates were hired to Korean top 20 corporations and this figure topped the list in comparisons of Business schools, followed by Yonsei Universitys 106 students and Seoul National Universitys 51 students.
< Prestige college graduates being beyond unemployment>
Employment state of 1757 graduates of 9 most popular colleges at SKY (Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University) known as 3 prestige universities in Korea was surveyed. It is known that these college graduates are relatively employed better than other college graduates in same university.
Result showed that the percentage of employment among these college graduates was near 87%. This figure is much higher than that of ordinary college graduates of recent years, 50~60%.
125 out of 148(84.5%) graduates majored in Business Administration (BA) and Industrial Engineering (IE) at Seoul National University (SNU) was employed.
 565 out of 622(90.8%) graduates majored in Business Administration (BA), Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) and Electrical, Electronics, Radio communications Engineering (EERE) at Korea University (KU) was employed.
Also, 509 out of 608(83.7%) graduates majored in Business (B), Economics (E), English Language and Literature (ELL), and Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at Yonsei University (YU) found place to work.
Except 6.8% of those who are under preparation for the state examination, pure percentage of unemployment among graduates of these prestige universities and its popular colleges was only 6.2%.
Among colleges surveyed, SNU department of industrial engineering topped the list with 93.8% of its graduates employed, and 71.8% of YU department of English language and literature graduates were employed at the lowest. Still, 10 graduates of YU Department of English language and literature those who were not employed are preparing for entering press companies or studying abroad.
 39.7% of the college graduates surveyed were hired to subsidiaries of Korean Top 20 corporations compared in assets at the most, followed by 12.3% of them employed in financial companies. Also 10.8% of them became CPA or patent attorney. Only 8.9% of them were working for smaller companies or venture enterprises which its salary is relatively low.
Especially, office of popular departments of Engineering college received many employment recommendation requests.
Also it is said that there are many cases of being hired to more than two blue chip companies and wondering which to choose.
Yoon Young-Joong, dean of department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Yonsei University said Its easy to see students weighing which company to work for after receiving two to four notifications of employment. It seems that there are little students worrying unemployment.
Companies are also in an effort recruiting prestige university graduates. Most large corporations open a job fair at universities such as SNU, KU, and YU for public relations.
A person concerned in personnel department of S corporation said, In the process of recruiting, there is no discrimination against talented non-prestige college graduates. As there are tendency of opened recruitment, there will be more chances given to non-prestige college graduates.
But, Lee In-Hee of Career, company providing information about recruitment, said As economy is falling off, companies tendency to hire talented minorities intensively is consolidating. Prestige and popular college graduates are thought to be status symbols that are beyond employment depression.
This article is from Dong-A Ilbo on August 8th, 2006

Present state of employment of principal universities and its popular colleges
BA IE Subtotal BA JMC EERE Subtotal B E ELL EEE Subtotal Total
Top 20 corporations 51 8 59 120 13 143 276 106 25 12 69 212 547
Foreign-affiliated firm 11 3 14 28 2 6 36 31 2 8 5 46 96
Public corporation 11 - 11 22 - - 22 15 11 9 5 40 73
smaller companies or venture enterprises 3 2 5 44 13 28 85 22 3 5 2 32 122
Financial companies 3 1 4 69 2 2 73 59 20 13 - 92 169
Professionals 22 1 23 55 - - 55 61 4 2 4 71 149
Officials 9 - 9 3 - 4 - 5 3 - 1 9 25
Press - - - 2 1 3 6 2 - 2 1 5 11
Stated new business - - - 2 - 3 5 - 1 - 1 2 7
Preparing for state examination 15 1 16 21 1 2 24 25 10 10 9 54 94
Unemployed 7 - 7 19 3 11 33 17 4 10 14 45 85
In Military service 4 - 4 10 - 8 18 16 3 1 7 27 49
Graduate school 19 6 25 26 9 114 149 21 11 17 87 136 310
Unidentified 8 - 8 4 - 8 12 - - - - - 20
Sum of total graduates 163 22 185 425지난 7월 23일(화)부터 25일(목)까지 현대자동차경영관 303호에서 일진창업지원센터 입주사를 대상으로 하는 ‘Startup Essential 교육’이 열렸다. 김희천 교수를 비롯해 10명의 강연자가 특강을 진행했으며 20여명의 학생이 참석했다.

먼저 김희천 교수가 스타트업 스테이션 입주사들에게 조언을 하며 강연을 시작했다. 김 교수는 네이버, NC소프트, 넥슨의 CEO들을 소개하면서 “우리 스타트업 스테이션 출신들이 이렇게 성공한 사례로 성장하는 것이 꿈이다”라며 “여러분들은 20년전보다 더 커진 시장과 학교의 전폭적인 지원, 뛰어난 지적능력이 있으므로 반드시 성공할 것”이라고 격려했다.

이어 문정빈 교수는 사회적 가치와 앙트프레너십(기업가정신)에 대해 강연했다. 유시진 교수는 스타트업 마켓 인사이트에 관해 설명했으며 남대일 교수는 성공한 스타트업 비즈니스 모델에 대해 이야기 했다. 신명철 교수는 ‘VC Clinical Session’에 대해 강연했고, 정재호 교수는 ‘성장하는 스타트업에서 찾은 것 Startup way’를 주제로 이야기 했다.

둘째 날과 셋째 날에는 실무 중심으로 교육이 진행됐다. △김신일 세무사(성북세무서) △이주한 변호사(스타트업 법률지원단) △코스메테우스 태원석 대표(츄츄 3기)가 강연자로 나서 법인설립, 회계·세무 실무, 디지털 마케팅, 계약서 작성, 특허실무 등에 관련한 특강이 이뤄졌다. 마지막 강연자로는 탈잉 김윤환 대표(츄츄 1기)가 ‘선배 츄츄의 성장스토리’를 주제로 강연해 3일간의 Startup Essential 교육을 마무리했다.
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