[COVER STORY] KUBS MBA is ranked No.1 by top 200 enterprises.

2014.04.10 Views 2017 김근효

[COVER STORY] KUBS MBA is ranked No.1 by top 200 enterprises.

Goal of MBA is to train future management executives with experience and knowledge. 14 domestic MBAs dont mind investing aggressively for their goals. There are various standards to evaluate MBAs. But the most accurate one is from those that consume the students from MBA; Human Resource directors. Hankyung Business carried out a survey targeting Human Resource directors of top 200 enterprises of Korea. Korea University was ranked No.1 for 2014 MBA evaluation, like it did last year.

‘2014 MBA evaluation’ outline
Survey target: human resource director of top 200enterprises
Survey item: professionalization, recruitment preference, internationalization, potential, harmony with organization, recommendation
Computation: respondents were asked to choose 10 MBAs that are considered to be ‘Strongly agree’ and then give 10 points to rank 1, 9 points to rank 2, and 1 point to rank 10.
Research analysis: Hankyung Business· Global research 
Evaluation sample MBA
Kunkook University, Korea University, Dongguk University, Seogang University, SNU, SKKU, Sookmyung Womans University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans university, Inha University, Junnam University, CAU, Hanyang University, and KAIST.