Academic exchange with other departments

2014.03.13 Views 2078 김근효

Academic exchange with other departments

 Fusion curriculum such as △understanding technology for businessman △KUMC MBA will be available from this semester as part of academic exchange with engineering college and medical school.

From the spring semester of 2014, department of engineering will provide a course Understanding of technology for business executives with 13 professors from 7 majors; △Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering △Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering △Department of Architecture △Department of Mechanical Engineering △School of Electrical Engineering △Department of Materials Science and Engineering △School of Industrial Management Engineering
 Kim, Daeki, the vice president said that this course is provided for students from business department to enhance their understandings about future industries and technology trends. I would like to thank professors from the department of engineering.
 Meanwhile, KUBS opened a KUMC MBA program for medical school professors to generate synergy in cooperation with the medical school.
The KU Medical Center said “since the institution is comprised of only medical professionals, members needed more education on medical management. We are looking forward to create great synergy through KUMC MBA.
 Unlike other universities, KUMC MBA is provided by the professors from the business department as a talent donation.
‘KUMC MBA’ is operated for the top management team of The KU Medical Center, and the program will provide 9 courses regarding 5 subjects; strategy accounting HRM marketing operation management
 Starting from these exchanges, KUBS is planning on more academic exchanges with other departments.