‘Mentoring session’ held by KULSOM, the academy of LSOM in KUBS

2014.01.09 Views 2516 김근효

‘Mentoring session’ held by KULSOM, the academy of LSOM in KUBS

 KULSOM, the academy of LSOM at KUBS has held ‘KULSOM Mentoring session’ at Hyundai Motors Business Building on December 21st. Along with professor Hojung Shin, 4 graduate mentors from various industries involving IT and finance and about 30 undergraduate students have attended this session.
 This mentoring session is meant to be an event to share experiences of the mentors and help those that are struggling with career plan. Seungho Oh as one of the mentors mentioned that, “I’ve also had concerns when going through job hunting, so I wanted to participate in this program as a mentor to help out those that are going through the phase. And I hope such event where we can communicate with junior colleagues to be proceeded on a regular basis.”
 Yongmin Lee the chair of KULSOM said that, “Although it was the first time to be held, this was a very helpful event thanks to the passionate session and advices. We are planning to hold this event regularly so that we can provide more chances for colleagues to communicate with each other.
 KULSOM, as the only LSOM academy at Korea University, holds weekly session, collaborative session with MSC of Yonsei University. They also study theoretical and practical logistic, service and operation management cases through company visitations. (