2013-2 Orientation for the Exchange Student Program

2013.07.11 Views 2330 경영대학

2013-2 Orientation for the Exchange Student Program


The 2013-2 Orientation for the KUBS Exchange Student Program was held at the LG-POSCO Building on June 27~28.


At the orientation, Associate Dean Daeki Kim spoke a few words of request and the KUBS International Office Program Manager notified the students of the precautions, things to prepare for before leaving, and advice on applying for the transfer of course credits from foreign universities.


Associate Dean Daeki Kim said, “Going beyond KUBS, it is important that students set a good example overseas with the mindset of representing the Republic of Korea and displaying a positive image” and “regardless of English skill, it is my hope that you go out and make lots of friends, experiencing the country’s culture and getting a feel for the characteristics of the area, and return home safely.”


The number of successful candidates for the 2013-2 Exchange Student Program is 79 students total who are being sent to 15 different countries and 35 different universities.


Currently, as of 2013-1, KUBS has Student Exchange Collaborations with 96 institutions in 28 countries of the world at the university and college levels. While in attendance, KUBS students have the option to study for one or two terms at a collaborative school and can transfer the course credits obtained from foreign universities.