Professors create rest area for students

2010.04.16 Views 2649 경영대학

‘Faculty Lounge’ a place for students to study, rest and converse

The entire full-time faculty at KUBS gave donations to create a space for the students. Expected to be completed in December, 2011, the ‘Faculty Lounge’ will be created with donations from 84 faculty members from KUBS. The lounge will be housed in the underground level of the New Business Building (14,978㎡) which will begin construction in February next year.

 The idea for creating the ‘Faculty Lounge’ in the New Business Building was first raised last September at a faculty meeting. The faculty agreed to individually donate a certain amount to create a space where students can carry out team projects, discussions, study and rest.

The faculty agreed to donate 10 million won or more annually over a period of 2-3 years. They raised 800 million won during the last two months. The donation will be used for student amenities including interior decorating, buying computer and internet equipment.

The name ‘Faculty Lounge’ was created following the tradition of giving the donor’s name to a lounge or lecture room.

In the LG POSCO Building which was established in 2002, the lecture and seminar rooms are named after the donors (Lee Myung-bak Lounge, Doo Hwoi Goo Lecture Room) rather than numerical numbers.

A KUBS official said “When people hear ‘Faculty Lounge’, I think most people would assume it’s a space for the faculty and not the students. The somewhat paradoxical name will promote the student lounge and help people understand how much the faculty care about the students.”

KUBS presented an appreciation plaque and a crystal memento with an engraved tiger to Hasung Jang, Dean of KUBS in a ceremony held at the Cuckoo Hall of LG POSCO Building on the 15th.