Career Develop Program for Undergraduate Students

2009.12.17 Views 2262 경영대학

Career Discovery

The KUBS Career Development Center is holding “Career Discovery’, a career development program, on October 31 from 9:30am-6:30pm. The program aims to help students with self-assessment and career plans.

‘Career Discovery’, being held for the first time, aims to assist undergraduate students in conducting self-evaluation and gaining a better understanding of various career options and career management. The program will provide consultations on career paths as well as MBTI (Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator) test to help students find careers that suit their personalities. In addition, HR personnel from leading Korean companies such as Samsung Electronics, Samjung KPMG and Hyundai Motors will deliver special lectures on career management.

Applications are received online
Seating will be available on a first come first served basis (100 Seats Available)

Time Program Speaker Note
09:30~09;40 Intro Associate Dean, Johngseok Bae  
09:40~10:00 Current State of Employment of KUBS Alumni MBA Director, Hyunjoo Sun  
10:00~11:00 Introduction of  Career Path Prof.  Hojung Shin Studying abroad/Continuing of Study
11:00~12:00 Self -Assessment Ms Shinhee Kim(Clinic/Counseling Psycologist) MBTI Test
12:00~13:00 Lunch Break    
13:00~14:00 Introduction of  Career Path Director of Personnel Management, Samsung Electronics  
14:00~15:00 Self-Assessment Ms Shinhee Kim(Clinic/Counseling Psycologist) MBTI Result Explanation
15:00~16:00 Introduction of  Career Path Managing Director, Samjung KPGM CPA
16:00~17:00 Introduction of  Career Path Director of Planning, Hyundai Motors Marketing/Planning
17:00~18:30 Wrap-up Session Panel Discussion with Alumni