KUBS and YSB establish joint lectures

2009.12.17 Views 2112 경영대학

=  Faculty from the two schools will teach ‘The latest trends in business studies’ =

Starting from this semester, students from both KUBS and YSB(Yonsei School of Business) will be able to take the joint lectures established by the schools. In the past, professors from the two schools often gave lectures at the counterpart school in the form of special lectures. But for the very first time, the schools are offering regular courses that will be taught by a team of professors from both schools.



This course titled ‘The latest trends in business studies’ is scheduled for Friday, 9 am-12 pm and will be taught simultaneously at both Korea and Yonsei University. Six professors from KU and seven professors from YU will be responsible for each week. Classes will be taught in the form of a special lecture. Students from the two schools can take the course at the school of their choice. Students will be introduced to the latest issues and theories and learn ways to apply the latest theories in reality through the course.


The joint course was agreed by the Deans of the two schools last April. KU and YU have hosted cross-lectures by the Deans of the two schools. A school official said “Following the cross-lecture by the Deans of the two schools last March and April, there have been active efforts to put together a concrete cooperation program. If the programs are successful, the two schools could establish a joint degree program and think of ways to benchmark each other.”