Completion of the 2023 Global ESG Forum with various discussions for a sustainable future 

2023.07.21 Views 855 국제실

Completion of the 2023 Global ESG Forum with various discussions for a sustainable future 


The International ESG Association (Chairman=Jay Hyuk Rhee, Yong Sik Ok) and the ESG Research Institute (Director=Jay Hyuk Rhee) of Korea University Business School (Dean=Sang Yong Kim) successfully hosted the "2023 Global ESG Forum" from June 24th to 29th at Singapore CREATE. This annual event, organized by the International ESG Association, featured presentations and lectures by ESG experts from around the world. The forum attracted over 200 speakers and participants from various countries, including professor Shawn Cole from Harvard Business School, representatives from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, BlackRock, S&P Global, and esteemed professors from the National University of Singapore Business School. 



The ESG Forum commenced with an opening keynote speech by Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment in Singapore. The event was marked by lively discussion on the current state of ESG management in Korean companies and strategies for future implementation. One notheworthy presentation introduced the ‘Biodiversity and Nature Positive Ranking of the Top 200 Korean Companies’, accompanied by a novel evaluation methodology for biodiversity. Additionally, the forum revealed that an ESG advisory group would announce the ranking of global companies, including Korean firms, in terms of biodiversity on November 28th. 


Throughout the ESG Forum, experts from various fields delved into in-depth analyses and discussions on a rage of compelling case studies, including △sustainable plastic management △ESG considerations from a consumer perspective △waste resource circulation technology and circular economy △voluntary carbon markets △net-zero and renewable energy solutions. Notably, representatives from BlackRock, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and Harvard Business School engaged in special dialogues on the theme of ‘Research Partnerships for a Sustainable Future.’ 


S&P Global, a leading investment firm, hosted special sessions at the ESG Forum focused on the present and future of impact investing, climate-linked credit, and risk solutions driving global businesses forward. Notably, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is set to unveil its final disclosure framework in September. Moreover, the response status of the top 200 Korean companies in biodiversity and nature-positive, as reported by the International ESG Association, was a mojor highlight of the event. 


The ESG Forum took place at CREATE (Collaborative Research And Technological Enterprise), a research and technology development center situated within the National University of Singapore. CREATE is known for its efforts in commercializing next-generation technologies acorss various fields. including △environment △energy △water resources △biotechnology and △design. During the forum, Mr. Jay Hyuk Rhee, Director of the ESG Research Institute a professor at Korea University Business School, who serves as the Chairman of the International ESG Association, explained the rationale behind selecting Singapore as the host city. He emphasized that Singapore has showcased exemplary leadership through fruitful collaborations with international organizations in diverse ESG management-related domains." 



After the successful concolusion of the ESG Forum, a prominent event is scheduled to take place in Seoul from November 28th to 30th. This event will convene esteemed scholars from around the world who are renowned for their expertise in the ESG field, including the Secretary-General of the IUCN, representatives from Stanford School of Sustainability, the Oxford Business School, and the National University of Singapore Business School.