Up! Up! Job understanding and Employment Skills with vivid practical cases

2022.07.11 Views 1127 국제실

The 2022 14th Career Week Held


The 2022 14th Career Week, organized by the KUBS Career Development Center, was held on May 3rd(Fri). The event, which was broadcast real-time on Zoom due to COVID-19, was divided into a special lecture on companies in the first part and a special lecture on employment in the second part.

Career Week, which is held to enhance students' understanding of their jobs and industries and strengthen their employment capabilities, is open to not only business students but also Korea University students interested in career and employment. As special lectures are conducted by inviting speakers from different companies, jobs, and fields, there is an advantage since students can select and listen to lectures that suit their career interests.

The first part of Career Week's special lecture on corporates was conducted by Soyoung Lee, director of Microsoft. In the special lecture titled "Have You Contributed to Other People's Success?" she gave a lecture on partnership, a power to grow together and make ordinary people global talents. Soyoung Lee, who talked about the common grounds of great achievers, with her own experience of 17 years at Microsoft and the stories of more than 2,000 software talents, explained the four principles and seven steps of the partnership, citing real cases at Microsoft as specific examples.

In the second part of the special lecture on employment, Minhyuk Cho, lecturer from Weport, gave a lecture on the topic of “2022 Recruitment Trend Post COVID-19”. The employment trend which has changed due to COVID-19, was easily explained through the document screening evaluation criteria of large companies and the real cases of self-introduction letters, which received a lot of favorable responses from students. At the end of the lecture, he also answered students' questions and delivered helpful information to students knocking on the door of the job market frozen by COVID-19.