2019 Fall Campus Tour and Mentoring Day

2019.11.21 Views 1409 admin

KUBS’ (Dean Jaewook Kim) “2019 Fall Campus Tour and Mentoring Day” was held on November 9th (Sat), at Hyundai Motors Hall. Coordinated by KUBS PR department and KUBE (KUBS’ Student Ambassador Group), the event invited more than 100 high school students, who finally passed through a heavy competition to be selected as a participant.

In the beginning of every spring and fall semester, KUBS opens a campus tour program to the high school students who have interests in the study of business management. The purpose of this program is to present a live experience to students to elevate their awareness in KUBS education. This fall, the tour went through △Introduction to KUBS △7 Subjects of Business Management △Campus Tour △Mentoring Program △Closing Ceremony. At the opening, Hoibean Cho (KUBS 19), the president of KUBE, left a remark by saying: “We have prepared this event for a long time with our full attention to provide the greatest memory to you all. I hope this meeting today to be a highly supportive motivation for your future application in KUBS”.

Tour attendees enjoyed the introduction to KUBS history and showed their great passion in the academic courses that KUBS provide. After the orientation session, high school students walked through the campus outside, following the tour guidance by KUBE. Next, small group mentoring session was followed, that students were able to freely ask their inquiries to KUBS members and get live consulting for their future study plans.

KUBS has been reaching out to wider generations by coordinating various mentoring programs. Apart from the spring/fall mentoring day, there is an upcoming “Winter vacation mentoring day for middle/high school students” in this winter. All tours programs are offered for free.

Click to check out the tour photos (Website Link)