Center for Digital Transformation & Business Colloquium

2019.11.12 Views 1720 경영대학

On October 28th (Mon), the “Center for Digital Transformation & Business (CDTB)” colloquium was held at LG-POSCO Supex Hall. As to fixate its position as a leading education institute in the period of 4th industrial revolution shift, KUBS has been pursuing CDTB establishment, an industry-university collaboration platform which would make a strategic differentiation in research leadership. As a first step to achieve its goals, KUBS invited professor Seung-il Shin (Department of Statistics) and coordinated the first colloquium event, presenting the key topic of big data analysis regarding to the digital transformation issue “Bigdata: A Blessing or A curse for Statistics?”.

At the colloquium event, more than 50 attendees including Dean Jaewook Kim, Associate Dean Joonghyuk Kim and Baeho Kim participated to celebrate its opening. Dean Jaewook Kim made a commencement speech, saying: “Business environment is now changing so quickly as the phase of 4th industrial revolution has come. Transformation in business operation is importantly required; KUBS would like to discover the reformative ideas in future business. It is my great wish that this CDTB colloquium may help us to understand exactly where we are and what situations we face today”.

Professor Shin, the presenter, attracted the audiences’ interest by introducing the basic concepts in “What is statistics?” at the beginning. And then he emphasized the value of reasonable statistical prediction based on the given data. According to his lecture, big data is a consolidated form of “Volume, Variety and Velocity” which enable us to freely handle the data and to frame a scientific decision process. Also, he stressed that the additional function “Veracity” would be the important research point to focus on in order to find out the fittest process to understand big data.

On the other hand, KUBS’ next plan is to draw the public attention to CDTB program by producing monthly invitation lectures and colloquium events of various academic researchers and industrial specialists. CDTB colloquium will be opened to everyone who has an interest in the lecture topics related to digital transformation technologies, regardless to their expert knowledge or background.