2020 Halla Business School Plus Entrance Ceremony Held

2020.06.10 Views 2276 국제실

2020 Halla Business School Plus Entrance Ceremony Held

The entrance ceremony of 2020 HBS+(Halla Business School Plus) was held on May 25th (Mon) at Cuckoo hall of LG-POSCO Building 6F. 10 professors of Korea University Business School (KUBS) including Dean Jaewook Kim, Head of Department Eonsoo Kim, Head of Executive Education Center Bokyung Bae participated in the ceremony, and several important personnel of the Halla group including chairman Mongwon Chung also participated to honor the event.


Dean Jaewook Kim congratulated the ceremony by saying “I would like to thank Chairman Mongwon Chung and the executives for helping us to start the fifth education with Halla Group even in difficult times". "I hope this process will be a meaningful time to think about the future of your own and company", he said.


Words of encouragement by chairman Mongwon Chung followed. “Already in its fifth term, HBS+ education is a systematic and productive program. I hope this will be an opportunity to realize the need for new things beyond traditional methods, and not to fear challenges and attempts," he said.


The statement of ambition and determination of HBS+ students continued. Seyong Kwon, managing director of Halla, said, "I am grateful and feel a great sense of responsibility for having this opportunity of learning despite the difficult times both internally and externally due to the COVID-19. I will try to prepare well for the future and become an executive who helps the company move toward a young, dynamic, and viable organization". Another managing director Youngkuk Kwak expressed his expectations for the course by saying, "In a rapidly changing society, it is important to continue to produce results without falling behind changes. I think we can come up with a solution through learning various ideas with this educational opportunity".


Meanwhile, Halla HBS+ is an industry-academic cooperation program of KUBS, a short-term curriculum for executives in Halla Group aimed at fostering future managers with management insights and market leadership for the group's sustainable management. It is carried out as Round Table classes, which will draw up proposals for solving pending issues through MBA-style learning of management theories and group discussions, and the curriculum will run for a total of seven months from May to November.