KUBE’s Completion and Commencement Ceremony for 2020 Spring semester

2020.06.03 Views 2053 국제실

KUBE’s Completion and Commencement Ceremony for 2020 Spring semester



The completion and commencement ceremony for Korea University Business School (Dean=Jaewook Kim) student ambassador group KUBE was held on May 25th(Mon), at LG-POSCO building 301. A total of 21 people attended the ceremony, including KUBS Associate Dean, Joonghyuk Kim, and 18 KUBE members. 



The ceremony was hosted by KUBE’s 11th president Eunsu Kim (Business ‘19) and vice president Seonghyun Baek (Business ‘19). The event commenced with a brief overview of past activities and future plans. As KUBS student ambassadors, KUBE aims to enhance the external and internal status of KUBS by organizing events for teenagers and supporting protocol events. KUBE reported their main activities for 2019 fall semester such as SNS promotions, scholarship ceremonies and protocol events, 2019 fall KUBS Campus Visit and Teen Gathering Day. Due to difficulties in face-to-face interaction amid COVID-19 situation, KUBE announced that it will actively organize promotion events online for 2020 Spring semester.


In his congratulatory message, Associate Dean Joonghyuk Kim said “we appreciate 10th KUBE members’ service during this past year; We hope KUBE will continue to do its best in promoting KUBS.” “Let us all contemplate on ideas for active promotion online, in the face of COVID-19,” he emphasized. Lastly, “instead of the Dean Jaewook Kim who could not attend because of other schedules, I want to thank KUBE 10th members for their hard work and encourage 11th and 12th KUBE members in advance,” he said.



The completion ceremony for KUBE 10th members was held after the congratulatory message.  Minsung Kim (Business ’18), Seoeun Moon (Business ’19), Yongchan Park (Business ’19), Yeon chan Jung (Business ’19), Hwibin Cho (Business ’19) and Seokjun Hong (Business ’18) received certificate of completion and additional prizes for the year of their services. 



Lastly, the appointment and scholarship ceremony were held for newly selected as KUBE 12th members, and scholarship ceremony was held for KUBE 11th members who will continue their services. KUBS highly appreciates KUBE’s efforts and have been providing “KUBS student ambassador scholarship” to KUBE members since 2019 Spring semester.



Meanwhile, KUBE first started in 2013 and was officially established in June 2015. KUBE’s main activities are KUBS Campus Visit and Teen Gathering Day Teen Mentoring day protocol service for KUBS ceremonies.