KUBS IBRE, The Most Prestigious Research Center in the Category of Social Studies
2020.02.05 Views 2192 국제실
KUBS IBRE, The Most Prestigious Research Center in the Category of Social Studies
In the 'Subdivision Regular Assessment Survey 2019’ reported on November 5th, KUBS IBRE (President Johngseok Bae) was selected as 'The Most Prestigious Research Center’ in the category of Social Studies. Its outperformance in the research activities and administrative management highly acknowledged, the think-tank has won the first place among the other research centers dedicated in social studies. Receiving the prize for third consecutive years, the IBRE has achieved an honorable title of 'The Most Prestigious Research Center’, which means that the center will be exempted from the assessment for the next 3-year from 2020. This title is given when the subdivision has a record of taking the first place for three years in a row, or getting the prize for 5 times in last 10 years.
The annual survey conducted by Korea University has five subject categories in △ Philosophy and Literature △ Social Studies △ Science △ Engineering △ Medical Science. For the evaluation of the Social Studies, the quantitative/qualitative measurement was valued by 76 and 24 percentage, respectively. The three major evaluation criteria are the administrative management, research activity, financial support functions, and each of them has specific items to be measured.
Every subdivision research center in Korea University is subjected to the regular survey. Only two institutes in social studies category are the research hubs located in Sejong Campus. The evaluated outcome is ranked into 4 degrees (A, B, C, D), and the A degree receives the prize of the year.
The goal of Korea University Research Department is to maximize the research potential of the existing research centers, providing various solutions to improve the efficiency of their works and studies.
“The IBRE has been a 'navigator’ of our studies for last 61 years since its establishment. I’m pleased to think of the implication of this award as an acknowledgement of its important role. I would like to extend my gratitude to every IBRE unit group, for keep striving to strengthen our research foundation and challenging for creative insights. Going forward, we will try our best to support the researchers generating social values and to innovate ourselves amid the everyday changing industrial trends“, said the Professor Johngseok Bae, president of IBRE.
Established in 1958, KUBS IBRE is the first domestic research hub dedicated in the studies of business and economics. Broadening the research base in specialized business sectors, IBRE is paving its way to make valuable contributions in the mutually beneficial growth between the businesses and social sectors. In 2019, the think-tank has made remarkable activity reports by releasing 74 journals, and the 8-unit groups involved in IBRE opening 74 seminars in total.