[Global MBA] Interview with Program Director Hojung Shin

2020.01.21 Views 2815 국제실

[Global MBA] Interview with Program Director Hojung Shin


Q. You are the new Program Director of Global MBA. Please introduce yourself.


After acquiring a commerce degree at Korea University, I worked as an export sales representative at Kumsung Company (currently LG Electronics) A/V Business Department. After earning a bachelor’s degree and doctorate from Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University, I worked as an assistant professor at Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. Currently, as the Associate Editor of Decision Sciences and a Review Board Member of Journal of Operations Management, I'm trying to contribute to academic activities in the production management field.


Q. Can you give us a brief introduction on the Global MBA course at Korea University?

Korea University Business School Global MBA aims to provide a foundation to improve understanding and insight of management and ultimately contribute to society for applicants with diverse goals such as strengthening management expertise, career transformation, start-ups, and family succession to grow into next-generation leaders in a short period of time. Global MBA will be a turning point in their lives and a starting point for a new career.


Q What makes Korea University Global MBA different from other schools and courses?
KUBS Global MBA is a flexible, dynamic and intensive training program with a total of six modules, allowing applicants to complete their degrees in one year. We aim to provide an efficient and prestigious MBA program that minimizes opportunity costs for students and companies while providing the best quality of education.


All classes are taught in English, and students from all over the world can gain the latest management knowledge from our excellent faculty. In addition, the International Residence Program at ESADE in Spain offers opportunities to develop global business knowlege and to establish a close relationship with other students at the same time. Graduates of Korea University Global MBA are future-oriented and driving young leaders, and they stand out from all walks of life with outstanding skills.


Q. Tell us about the future direction or goal of Global MBA program.

Many MBA programs are falling behind because they have not lived up to the rapid change of our society. I think this is an opportunity for our business school. I think if we can detect and embrace rapid social change and build a sustainable system and a culture that continues to evolve, we can satisfy the needs of MBA applicants. 


In particular, the short-term goal of the Global MBA is to redefine the direction of education with a curriculum that reflects themes such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation, and Start-up, and to expand the network that can share various views, experiences and knowledge both horizontally and vertically.


Q For those of you who are considering applying foe Global MBA, please give us a piece of advice.

MBA is not just a degree you get for your studies. If you have the will to join the journey of Korea University Business School, which has played a pivotal role as an innovator in the history of the South Korea’s economy/management, I think it’s worth the challenge.


Click here for Global MBA Course Introduction