Stories from Accountant and Customs Broker Alumni….‘A Night Full of Jobs’

2024.05.07 Views 445 국제실

Stories from Accountant and Customs Broker Alumni….‘A Night Full of Jobs’ 


On March 27, an event called "Job多한 밤" (A Night Full of Jobs) was held at the Supex Hall in the LG-POSCO Building. This event was organized by the administration team of Korea University Business School (Dean=Kim Sangyong Kim), the Korea University Alumni Association, and the Korea University Economy and Finance Association (KEFA). The lecture series that evening focused on the theme "CPA & beyond," featuring three speakers. 



The event was structured with mentoring lectures and a panelist Q&A session. The mentoring lectures provided an overview of the professional industry, discussed preferred qualities in candidates, and shared industry-related experiences. The panelist Q&A included pre-selected questions as well as questions taken live from the audience. 


The first speaker was Changkyu Choi (Class of 90’), an accountant from Namu Management Academy. His lecture, titled "If you can't avoid it, enjoy it," covered topics such as his transition from accountant to lecturer, CPA examination plans, career paths after passing the CPA exam, and alternatives if one fails the CPA exam. 



The second speaker was Joonghyun Lee (Class of 86’), an accountant from Samil PwC. He spoke on the topic "Lessons from the Past, Challenges of the Present, Opportunities of the Future," detailing his 32-year journey as an accountant. He emphasized that "the accounting firm has continuously evolved over the past 32 years and will keep changing in the future. Passing the exam is not the end; we must continuously adapt our knowledge to the changing trends of the world and develop the ability to handle changes coolly." 


The third speaker was Hwisun Han, the CEO of Hanju Customs Brokerage. (Class of 91’). Hwisun Han’s lecture was titled "Success DNA." He urged his junior colleagues, "Engage fiercely in contemplation, practice rigorously, and challenge vigorously." 


The event concluded with a Q&A session. Dahyun Jeong, a student from the KUBS class of 2023, shared her experience: "I came here curious about the careers our alumni have pursued after graduation, and I am glad to have gained a lot of information. It was particularly enjoyable because the speakers engaged deeply with us students during their lectures."