"Developing Problem-Solving Talent in the Era of Digital Transformation" - The 4th KUBS DT D

2023.12.05 Views 489 국제실

"Developing Problem-Solving Talent in the Era of Digital Transformation" - The 4th KUBS DT Day 2023


Hosted by Korea University Business School (Dean=Kim Sang Yong) and organized by the Center for Digital Transformation & Business (Director=Park Kyung Sam, hereafter CDTB), the 4th KUBS DT Day took place on November 10th (Friday) at the LG-POSCO Management Hall. KUBS DT Day is an event held to foster talent capable of solving problems in the era of Digital Transformation (DT) and to explore collaboration with industries and DT-related institutions. The event included activities such as, △MSBA Capstone Project showcase, and awards ceremony. The all-day-long event preceded in the order of △the final presentations of the Data Analytics for Business (DAB) competition, △General review and award ceremony, △MSBA Capstone Project showcase, and △General review and wrap-up. 


Dean Kim Sang Yong emphasized the significance of the event in his opening speech, stating, "KUBS DT Day is the largest event conducted by the CDTB, a platform actively engaged in activities related to talent development in the era of digital transformation." He expressed hope that the event would be meaningful for those leading the Digital Transformation era. 



During the morning session, the final presentations of the Data Analytics for Business (DAB) competition were held. The DAB competition focuses on discovering innovative business models using public or corporate data. The judging panel included CDTB Director Professor Park Kyung Sam and Business Analytics Program Coordinator Professor Lee Hyun Seok. 


The final presentations featured projects such as △Timing Matters (Optimization of smart traffic signal flash cycle), △Let's Ride Together (Suggestions for increasing the convenience of public transportation for traffic-impaired individuals - Determining the priorities of where to introduce low-floor buses and designing routes for traffic-impaired buses using big data), △Jemechu (Recommendation service for recipes and ingredients based on AI model for object detection in refrigerator interior photos), △Would you like to move? (Personalized recommendation platform for alleviating local population decline and promoting residential population increase), and △Rain-Avoiding the sun (Establishment of a Seoul city shared umbrella rental system and platform site selection). Each team presented their findings, followed by feedback and Q&A sessions with the judging panel. 



Following the final judging, an award ceremony was held. The encouragement award went to the teams "Timing Matters" (Jeong Ha-yoon, Lee Hyun-jeong, Lee Seung-min) and "Jemechu" (Song Tae-hoon, Kim Jong-hyun, Lee Jung-soo), the excellence award went to "Would you like to Move?" (Go Ye-bin, Shin Eun-byeol, Woo Yoon-gyu, Yoo Ho-jun, Cha Seung-eun) and "Rain-Avoiding the sun" (Kim Do-yoon, Kim Yu-jin, Han Ji-eun, Kim Hyun-moo), and the grand prize was awarded to "Let's Ride Together" (Kim Hee-jae, Jung Hyun-soo, Choi Jung-won, Hwang Sun-joo). The morning session concluded with a commemorative photo. 



In the afternoon session, the public presentations of the MS in Business Analytics (MSBA) Capstone Projects began. The Capstone Project is a crucial part of the MSBA program, where students, instead of writing a thesis, work on developing a business model in collaboration with partner organizations. The presentations at DT Day were mid-term presentations, aimed at receiving feedback from advisory members to further develop the projects. Representatives from collaborating organizations such as △LG CNS, △LG Household & Health Care, △ELAND, △Korea Credit Information Services, △Kyobo Life Insurance, △Hyundai Motor, and △PwC Consulting attended. 


The Capstone Projects included topics such as △Building a Customized Chatbot Using LLM for Corporate LG CNS Consulting Data CS Chatbot Service Development, △Marketing Strategy Proposal for 'The History of HU' Brand to Enter the Japanese “Department-cosmetic” Market - Based on Text Analysis of the Japanese Beauty Comprehensive Platform @COSME, △Analysis of Multiple Debt Risk for Vulnerable Borrowers, △Prediction of Delinquency and Support Measures for Small and Medium Enterprises through Analysis of Technology Finance Information, △Corporate Customer Characteristic Segmentation for Expanding Market Share in the Retirement Pension Market, △Reconstruction of the Distribution System of the Domestic SPA Fashion Brand SPAO - Using Machine Learning for Sales Forecasting Models, △The Impact of Blue Member Activities on Vehicle Purchase Decisions - Relationship Management Strategy Based on RFM Cluster, and △How can we maximize GPT’s creativity & usability in real-world marketing communications? - Focused on Advertising Production and UI/UX. Each team explored business problems presented by collaborating organizations, proposed strategies and models using real data, and outlined future analysis plans. After each team's presentation, representatives from collaborating organizations provided advice. 



After the presentations, Professor Lee Hyun Seok concluded with remarks, stating, "After six months, you have overcome a significant hurdle with the mid-term presentation. I hope all teams achieve success until the end." Professor Park Kyung Sam expressed gratitude to the guiding professors and collaborating organizations for their efforts in the Capstone Project, concluding the event. The 4th KUBS DT Day came to a close with a commemorative photo.