
[NEWS]Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships

2024.12.17 Views 84 일반대학원

Notice of Changes for Graduate School Scholarships


Starting from the 2025 Spring Semester, the regulations for scholarships for the PhD program (including the integrated MS/PhD program) have been revised. Please thoroughly review the changes and apply for the scholarship within the specified period. (No changes for the MS program.)


Key Changes
Type As-Is To-Be Link for application scholarship




- Both enrolled and completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs could apply

- Only enrolled students from the MS program


- Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee

- Completed research students: KRW 1.3 million per month as a living expense


- Only enrolled students across all programs


- Enrolled students: 100% of tuition fee

[Korea University Business School] RA/TA Application Guildelines for spring semester of 2025

PhD Candidates




- Completed research students in the PhD and integrated MS/PhD programs


- KRW 400,000 per month

[Korea University Business School] PhD Candidates Scholarship Guidelines for spring semester of 2025



- Previously referred to as “Living Expense Scholarship”

- PhD and integrated MS/PhD students selected as RA/TA received KRW 1.3 million per month, without requiring a separate application

- The name change of the previous “Living Expense Scholarship”

- Available to PhD and integrated MS/PhD students upon separate application, regardless of assistantship status. Amount remains KRW 1.3 million per month

[Korea University Business School] Research Scholarship Application Guidelines for spring semester of 2025

1. Terminology

- Enrolled students: Students within a duration of regular coursework

- Completed research students: Students who have completed the coursework duration and have paid enrollment fee for research


2. For further details, refer to the specific announcements for each scholarship.


All scholarships must be applied for individually.

Scholarships available by course and academic stance

Program Stance TA/RA Scholarship PhD Candidates Scholarhsip Research Scholarship


Integrated MS/PhD

Enrolled Students O X O
Completed Research Students X O O
MS Enrolled Students O X X
Completed Research Students X X X
