
[KUBS] Notice for Application of 2022 Fall TNT PROGRAM

2022.09.01 Views 1964 국제실

★Application for TNT PROGRAM★


Here's a guide for the KUBS Tutor & Tutee program, a business school tutoring program.
Based on the fact that many students are doing part-time jobs after school through private tutoring, we would like to run a program where students can give tutors to junior and foreign students who have difficulties in their major classes on campus and receive scholarships.
We will recruit mentors who can help students with their major studies, and mentees who want to get help to improve exchanges and their grades.


**In this semester, this program can be online and offline mix.


1. Qualification

a. Qualification of Tutor 
1) Students who have an average GPA 3.75 or higher for the entire semester and the very last semester.
2) Students with a GPA 4.0 or higher in tutoring subject. 
3) Only 3rd and 4th graders can apply.
4) Applying for the minimum 2 to maximum 4 subjects.
5) Selection considering GPA and STUDY PLAN.

- Submission documents after selection: A grade transcript and a pledge


b. Qualification of Tutee
1) Business School students who are having difficulty in major classes (foreigner, exchange student, free major, dual major avaliable)
2) Students with an average GPA less than 3.5 for the entire or last semester (People who got grade warning may also apply)
3) No grade limit, foreign students first.
4) Applying for the maximum 2 subjects.
5) Selection considering GPA and STUDY PLAN.

- Submission documents after selection: A grade transcript and a pledge


2. Application Period

: 31st AUG ~ 23:59 7th SEP



- KUchive (


4. Selection of people

a. Tutor: maximum 15

b. Tutee: maximum 45


5. PROGRAM Schedule

- 19th SEP ~ 7th DEC (except mid-term / national holidays / finish before final exam)


6.  TNT Program Overview
    1) 1 Tutor can be allocated to max 3 tutee students.
    2) Tutoring hours are usually either 24 hours or 48 hours per semester (2 hours or 4 hours per week)
    3) Tutee may apply for up to max 2 courses per semester
    ※ Each Tutor and tutee can participate in 2 courses per semester. 
    4) At the beginning of the program, tutor, tutee, and TA must have a consultation to organize schedules(on weekdays, 9:00 - 21:00)
    In case of a schedule change, TA must be notified at least 3 days earlier. Note that you can change your schedule only one time per semester.
    5) Tutors are required to submit monthly reports and tutoring time on the last day of every months on the KUCHIVE.
    6) Tutors and Tutee are required to submit a final report at the end of the TNT program. Also, submitting final survey is required. (on the KUCHIVE)
 7. Notes for Tutee
    A. If a tutee leaves the TNT program during the semester, the tutee will not be allowed to apply for the program from the next semester.
         Penalties may be given to applications for any KUBS scholarships AND student exchange program.
    B. Tutees may participate in the tutoring for up to 4 courses during their whole enrolled semester in KU.
8. Benefits for Tutor
    A. Tutor student will be awarded a scholarship after the submission of the weekly reports on the last day of the month (400,000 won/month - 2hours, twice a week)
    B. A certificate will be issued when the final report is submitted. 
    ※ The scholarship and a certificate will be withheld according to the tutor's manner. (e.g., canceling sessions without prior notice, failure to submit the final report or delayed submission)


 9. Contact : or 02-3290-1301
