[IBRExCDTB] Joint Colloquium: “Overview of Applied AI Research” on Nov 26
Joint Colloquium will be hosted by Institute for Business Research and Education(IBRE) and Center for Digital Transformation & Business(CDTB).
If you are a member of KUBS, please feel free to participate through the Zoom Link below.
1. Date & Time: Nov 11, 2021(Fri) 11:00 – 12:00 A.M.
2. Lecture Subject: Overview of Applied AI Research
3. Speaker: Professor Chaehan So from Yonsei Univ.
4. Lecture Type: Online(Zoom)
- Zoom Link:
- ID: 891 7226 0596 PW: Kubs2021!@
5. Lecture Language: English
6. Inquiries
CDTB Office T 02-3290- 5364 E