
[학사]2024-2학기 취득학점 포기제도 시행 안내(11.11~11.29)

2024.10.24 Views 499 학부

 1. 포기대상과목 : 학점취득한 과목 (성적인정과목 포함)

2. 신청대상 : 등록학기 7회 이상, 102(106)학점 이상 취득한 재()학생 (편입생은 4학년인 자)

3. 포기학점 : 최대 6학점, 졸업전 1회 허용  (단, 이수 또는 재수강중인 과목은 학점포기할 수 없으며 학점포기한 과목은 재수강할 수 없다.) 

4. 2024-2학기 신청기간 : 2024년 11월 11일(월) 10:00 ~ 11월 29일(금) 17:00

5. 제출방법 : 포탈시스템>학적/졸업>성적사항>취득학점포기신청에서 본인이 직접 선택 및 제출

6. 주의사항

교양필수, 전공필수, 교직필수, 학문의기초 과목 등 교과과정상 필수과목은 포기 불가.

② 학점 포기한 과목은 취득학점에서 제외하되 증명서에 과목명을 그대로 표기하고 성적은 “W”로 표기한다.

재수강 중인 과목은 학점포기할 수 없으며, 학점포기 신청 후 포기처리된 과목은 재수강할 수 없다.

한 번 취득학점 포기신청 한 후에는 그 신청을 철회할 수 없다.

현장실습으로 취득한 학점은 포기 불가.


반드시 졸업요구학점을 확인 후 신청 요망. 학점 포기를 통해 특정학기 취득학점이 17(18) 미만이 될 경우 졸업우수생 선정(79, 4학년은 취득학점 제한 없음) 등 학사운영규정에서 정한 자격 요건을 상실할 수 있으므로 관련 규정 확인 후 신청




1) Courses Eligible for Withdrawal: Courses in which credits have been acquired (including courses with graded recognition)

2) Eligibility

a. Current students (or those on a leave of absence) who have acquired 102 (106) or more credits and registered 7 or more regular semesters

b. Transfer students in their 4th year

3) Maximum Credits Withdrawable: Up to 6 credits, allowed once only before graduation (Please note that credits for courses that have not been completed or being currently retaken shall not be withdrawn, and courses that have been withdrawn cannot be retaken).

4) Application Period for 2024-2 (Fall) SemesterNovember 11, 2024 (Monday) 10:00 AM - November 29, 2024 (Friday) 5:00 PM

5) How to Apply: A student may directly choose and submit through KUPID( log in → Registration/Graduation Grade Inquiries Credit Withdrawal.

6) Important Note

a. Any requisite course (i.e., Required general education courses, Major required courses,Teacher training required courses,Academic Foundation) cannot be withdrawn.

b. Courses for which credits have been so withdrawn shall be indicated with “W” (Withdraw) on the academic transcript of the course name, and such withdrawn credits shall not be counted.

c. Credits for courses being currently retaken shall not be withdrawn, and courses that have been withdrawn cannot be retaken.

d. Once course withdrawal is submitted it cannot be retracted.

e. Courses that have been recognized through field practice cannot be withdrawn.

f. Please note that if students delete the graduate courses taken as part of the Combined Bachelor Master Degree Program, admission to the master's degree program will be revoked.


※ Please make sure to check the graduation credit requirement before applying. If the credits for a specific semester are less than 17 (18) through credit waiver, the qualification requirements may be lost, such as selection of excellent graduates etc.