
문정빈Jon Jungbien Moon
- 글로벌비즈니스
- 교수
- 글로벌 전략, 비시장 전략, 지속가능경영, 기업외교
- LG-POSCO 경영관 322호
- TEL : 02-3290-2837
- Email : jonjmoon@korea.ac.kr
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- Office Hour : M/T 11:30-13:30
- Pennsylvania 대학교 (Wharton) 경영학 박사
- 런던정경대학교 (LSE) 경제학, 정보시스템 석사
- 서울대학교 경제학사
- 2009/3~ 고려대학교 경영대학 조교수, 부교수, 교수
- 고려대학교 미래교육원장 (2025-)
- 고려대학교 경영대학 스타트업연구원장 (2023-2024)
- 고려대학교 경영대학 국제경영 전공주임교수
- 상해교통대학교 (Antai) 조교수 (2007-2009)
- USC (Marshall) 방문학자 (2015)
학술지 및 학술대회
한국전략경영학회 차기회장
전략경영연구 편집위원장 (2023-2024)
Strategic Management Journal 편집위원 (2019-현재)
Academy of Management Annual Meeting (SIM Division) 부편집장 (2017-2025)
Journal of International Business Studies 편집위원 (2015- 2022)
- Awards and Honors
- 고려대학교 경영대학 논문지도상 (2025)
- IBRE Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, March 2025
- IBRE Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, November 2022
- SK Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, December 2021
- KUBS Teaching Award (GMBA Corporate Strategy), December 2019
- 사회적가치 연구원 사회적가치 공모전 대상 (2019)
- 한국국제경영학회 우수논문상 (2018)
- 석탑강의상 (국제경영) (2018)
- 석탑강의상 (소셜벤처창업) (2017)
- KUBS Teaching Award (GMBA Corporate Strategy), November 2017
- KUBS Research Fellowship, March 2014- February 2017
- IBRE Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, March 2015
- LG Yonam Fellowship, 2015
- HUMAX Emerging Scholar Award, Korea Strategic Management Society, November 2014
- SK Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, September 2013
- Finalist, IM Division Willamette University Best Paper Award in International Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability, Academy of Management, August 2013
- IBRE Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, March 2013
- Seok-Top Teaching Award (International Business sections 07 & 08), Korea University, Fall 2012
- SK Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, December 2011
- IBRE Distinguished Research Award, Korea University Business School, December 2011
- Best Paper Award, Korea Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, December 2011
- Best Paper Award, Korea Academy of Business Ethics, November 2010
- 국제학술지 게재논문
- Compared to Whom? Performance Feedback Mix and MNEs’ Acquisition and Divestment Decisions, International Business Review (2025) (joint with Dam Yoo)
- Where Does ESG Pay? The Role of National Culture in Moderating the Relationship between ESG Performance and Financial Performance, International Business Review (2023) (joint with Jiyoung Shin and Jingoo Kang)
- Environmental Regulation and Foreign Investment: Evidence from China, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2022) (joint with Yunyi Hu and Haitao Yin)
- Coping with Externally Imposed Energy Constraints: Competitiveness and Operational Impact of China's Top-1000 Energy-Consuming Enterprises Program, The Energy Journal (2023) (joint with Yuxian Xiao and Haitao Yin)
- Do Foreign Firms Help Make Local Firms Greener? Evidence of Environmental Spillover in China, Journal of International Business Studies (2022) (joint with Nahyun Kim, Junxiu Sun, and Haitao Yin)
- Executive Migration Matters: The Transfer of CSR Profiles across Organizations, Business & Society (2022) (joint with Bongsun Kim and Eonsoo Kim)
- Equal Ownership Split in International Joint Ventures: Performance Implications in an Emerging Market, Asian Business & Management (2022) (joint with Hyo Eun Cho and Insik Jeong)
- When Does Knowledge Similarity Help Foreign Firms Improve Performance? (2019) Asian Business & Management (joint with Xuelian Piao)
- Environmental Pressure and the Performance of Foreign Firms in an Emerging Economy (2016) Journal of Business Ethics (joint with Nahyun Kim and Haitao Yin)
- Does International Economic Integration Lead to Cleaner Production in China? (2014) Production and Operations Management (joint with Haitao Yin and Liguo Lin)
- When Do Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Perform Better Than Joint Ventures? (2013) Strategic Management Journal (joint with Sea-Jin Chang and Jaiho Chung)
- When Do Foreign Subsidiaries Outperform Local Firms? (2013) Journal of International Business Studies (joint with Sea-Jin Chang and Jaiho Chung)
- Internationalization and Performance of Firms in China: Moderating Effects of Governance Structure and the Degree of Centralized Control (2013) Journal of International Management (joint with Shufeng Xiao, Insik Jeong, Chris C. Chung and Jaiho Chung)
- Corporate Social Responsibility for Irresponsibility (2012) The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (joint with Matthew Kotchen)
- 국내학술지 게재논문
- It Never Rains, But It Pours: The Effects of Negative Performance Feedback and Strategic Pressures on Corporate Divestment Decisions (2022) (joint with Dam Yoo), Journal of Strategic Management, 25(3): 55-77.
- On the Possibility of Social Value Exchange Using Blockchain Technology (2021; in Korean) (joint with Hyoung-Goo Kang and Kyung-hoon Chun), 윤리경영연구
- Performance of Korean Social Enterprises Using a Synthetic Control Method, 전략경영연구 (2020; in Korean) (joint with Jeongki Lee)
- Stakeholder Pressure and MNEs’ Environmental R&D (2018) 국제경영연구 (joint with Hyoju Jeong and Jiyoung Shin)
- Measuring the Costs and Benefits of CSR through Shareholder Value (2014) 금융지식연구 (joint with Sojung C. Park)
- Developing a Social Venture Business Model Using a Smart Phone Application: TREE PLANET (2013; in Korean) Korea Business Review (joint with Jiyoung Shin and Jae Yun Moon)
- How Do Corporate Governance and Reporting Frequency Moderate the Relationship between CSR Reporting and Corporate Social Performance? (2012) 경영학연구 (joint with Jingoo Kang)
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance among Major U.S. Corporations: Does Having a Board-level Committee Make a Difference? (2012) 국제지역연구
- For What Do Chinese MNEs Go Abroad? Evidence from Recent Data (2011) 국제경영연구 (joint with Jongsoo Kim and Icksoo Kim)
ESG 시대의 사회적 가치와 지속가능경영 (2021) 클라우드 나인
(9인 공저)
국제경영학: 환경과 운영, 17판 (2022) 한빛아카데미 (번역서; 5인 공역)
Global strategy와 Sustainability 관련 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.
Jiyoung Shin (PhD, 2015; MS, 2011) Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol (U.K.)
Min Jung Kim (MS, 2014) Assistant Professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US) (2020-)
Nahyun Kim (MS, 2014) Assistant Professor, Tilburg University (the Netherlands) (2021-)
Hyoju Jeong (MS, 2016) Visiting Assistant Professor, Freeman School of Business, Tulane University (US) (2022-)
Maximilian Breitmoser (MS, 2017) Consultant, Struktur Management Partner (Germany) (2017-)
Jooyoun Shin (MS, 2019) PhD candidate, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota (US) (2019-)
Subin Ko (MS, 2021) PhD student, University of Groningen (2021-)
Ji Min Ahn (MS, 2023)
Taeksang Jang (MS, 2023) PhD student, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US) (2023-)
Nway Nway Hlaing (MS, 2024)
Syamimi Khairuddin (MS, 2024) PhD student, KUBS
Dam Yoo (PhD, 2025) Post-doctoral researcher, Korea University
Jinkyoung Kim (MS, 2025)
Seok Jun Song (MS, 2025)
Huimin Che (PhD candidate)
Injae Jeon (PhD candidate)
Chaewon Hong (MS student)
JongHyun Kim (MS student)