
[학사][Announcement][MBA] Winter 2019 Grade Posting Schedule

2020.02.10 Views 2782 국제실

[Announcement][MBA] Winter 2019 Grade Posting Schedule




1. Grade Processing Period


Course Evaluation

2020. 02. 01 (Mon) 10:00 ~ 2020. 02. 04 (Tue) 23:59

Grade Open to Students and Revision

2020. 02. 04 (Tue) 10:00 ~ 2020. 02. 04 (Tue) 23:59

Grade Confirmation

2020. 02. 05 (Tue) 11:00


2. Grade Identification Procedure

1) Course Evaluation before Identification

Portal → Registration/Graduation → Grade Inquiries → Course Evaluation


2) Grade Identification before Grade Confirmation (ID: 학번 / PW: Portal Password)


3) Grade Identification after Grade Confirmation

Portal → Registration/Graduation → Grade Inquiries → Transcript of Courses Completed


4) Students who complete online course evaluation for all courses in which they enrolled for the session have access to their preliminary grades.


5) If there’s any problem with your grades, please check it to a professor or instructor in charge during the ‘Grade Identification and Revision Period’


6) Grade "I" will be switched to "F" the day after Grade Confirmation. If you have inquiries regarding your grade(s), you should contact a professor or instructor during the ‘Grade Revision Period’.



