KUBS graduates - the most capable new recruits in the financial sector

2009.05.25 Views 2045 경영대학

= Selected the Best Talent in the insurance and securities sector =

According to a survey, KUBS graduates were found to be the most capable new recruits at major financial companies.

On March 19th, the Korean Council for University Education supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, announced the results of the “2008 University Evaluation by Industry.” KUBS was selected as the best university in the ‘job competency satisfaction category’ for the insurance and securities part of the financial sector.

The survey was conducted to find out how relevant the educational courses of Korean universities were to the job competency capabilities required in actual industrial settings. The survey respondents were division heads of the top 10 companies (revenue based) in each sector. Korea Life Insurance, Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance and Hyundai Marine and Fire Insurance took part in the insurance sector survey while Daewoo Securities, Mirae Asset Financial Group and Korea Investment and Securities participated in the securities sector. The survey results were announced through a wide range of media outlets including Chosun Daily, Kookmin Daily and Segye Daily etc.