KUBS 110th Anniversary Event

2015.10.29 Views 3515 경영대학

KUBS 110th Anniversary Event
The event was held on Friday, October 30 at 18:00 … Delivering a keynote address by Chang-soo Huh, the chairman of FKI 
The opening of KUBS Memorial Hall and the Wall of Honor were unveiled at 17:00.
On Friday, October 30 at 18:00, the KUBS "110th Anniversary Event" was held in the Supex Hall, LG POSCO Building at Korea University, Anam Campus. About 200 honored guests attended the commemorative event including, △KU President Jaeho Yeom △FKI Chairman Chang-soo Huh △KU Alumni President Seon-hoe Ju △KUBS Alumni Association President Wan-bae Rha. At this event, FKI Chairman Chang-soo Huh, KUBS entering class of 1967, delievered a keynote address under the theme of "Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Management." 

The opening of 'KUBS Memorial Hall (KUBS STORY)' was unveiled at 17:00 before the anniversary event. KUBS is known as the longstanding business school among all university departments in Korea and KUBS STORY covers 110 years of KUBS history. The KUBS Memorial Hall is composed of six features, including △The First & the Best △The Leaders △Global Leaders △Professor Emeriti △World-Class Faculty, Programs and Facilities, and it is located on the first floor, Hyundai Motor Building. In addition, the historical records that have been donated by KUBS Professors Emeriti are displayed in the hall. 

The Wall of Honor, engraved with a total of 419 contributors, was unveiled in the lobby on the first floor, KUBS Main Building at 17:30. The wall consists of four sections which are △Diamond (over five billion KRW) △Gold (over one billion KRW) △Silver (over 100 million KRW) △Bronze (over 10 million). KUBS is one of the departments that receives the most donations. △LG-POSCO Building △Hyundai Motor Building are the educational facilities, built with donations. 

"Recognized as the best business school in Korea, KUBS has been producing numerous talented business leaders who led the Korean economic growth and history throughout the past century" said KUBS Dean Dong-One Kim. He continued by saying, "We wish to inspire students through the 110th Anniversary and the opening of KUBS STORY, as well as striving to educate 'Business for Society' continuously."

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