KUBS Marketing Society ‘KUDOS’ wins six awards at national and international competitions

2014.09.02 Views 2498 김근효

KUBS Marketing Society ‘KUDOS’ wins six awards at national and international competitions
KUBS Marketing Association ‘KUDOS’ has achieved an outstanding feat in Marketing Competitions. They won a total of 6 awards in early 2014.


In 2014 UnivExpo Seoul, Seul Koo(English Language and Literature), Doyoung Kim(Radiation), Seol-A Lee(Spanish Language and Literature), Yeon Ok Lee(Chinese Language) participated and won the competition. In “L’OREAL Brandstorm 2014” Kyujin Kim(Management), Jonghyun Park(Management), Jeongun Lee(Management) ranked 2nd place. In ‘the 35th Cheil Idea Festival’ Kyujin Kim(Managemetn), and Jinjae Lee(Psychology) won grand prize. Sanha Lee(Management), Jihyun Oh(Management), Byunghee Yang(Civil and Environmental Engineering), Jaehoon Jung(Chemistry) won grand prize.
Apart from the above, in  '10th Amore Pacific Marketing Competition’ Aeseul Kim(Korean Language and Literature), Jeongun Lee (Management), and Sungmoon Lee(Spanish Language and Literature) won the participation prize, and Hyunji Lee(Chinese Language and Literature) received a mention. In ‘Black Yak CREATIVE Marketing Competition’ Yonguk Cho(Food and Resource Economics) received the excellence in the marketing section. In ‘the 31st DCA Advertising Competition’ Soomin Kim(Management), Jihyun Seo(Education), Kumkang Whang(Life Sciences) won 2nd prize. 

Especially, in ‘the 35th Cheil Idea Festival’, the competition sponsored by Cheil Communications since 1978, University students compete based on their ideas. Kyujin Kim and Jinjae Lee introduced a global campaign strategy using Galaxy Note 3, and Galaxy Gear. They came up with a new concept, which upgraded ‘Smart’ to ‘Brainy’. Use of viral videos and online/ offline events earned them a lots of points.
Sanha Lee (Management 12) said “Thanks to the analysis and understanding of the market, we obtained good results in competitions. I was also able to learn how to see the products in lots of different ways through KUDOS activities.”

KUDOS stands for Korea University Dream Oriented Society, and they participate in various types of projects. They are now looking for the 10th members to participate in KUDOS from the 2nd semester of 2014. On September 4th, they will have a recruiting session, and they will receive application forms by September 5th 6:00 P.M.