Closing day for 2013 peer mentoring program

2014.03.12 Views 2150 김근효

Closing day for 2013 peer mentoring program

'Peer mentoring closing day of 2013was held in March 6th at LG-POSCO Hall. The attendees were 20 peer mentor students and 40 mentee students.
Peer mentoring is a program provided by Career Development Center to support undergraduate students. This program gives undergraduates chances to meet with the people from the field that they are willing to work in. In 2013, 63 mentors and 130 mentees participated in this program.

Ive been interested in the service industry and it was very helpful to meet with someone who actually works in the field, said Hui Seo Choo추휘서(Management 12).
For more information about the program, contact CDC (02-3290-1696)